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— Hey, Derek, whi的答案

— Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing?


2022-01-07 02:02
A、I like it very much.
B、It is the best design I have ever seen.
C、Personally, I think designing is more difficult.

Personally, I think designing is more difficult.


— What do you think of your new job? — I think it is very difficult.
"— What do you think of your new job? — I think it is very difficult."

— Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?


— Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing?


—Henry, what do you think of the new team?
— ________ , I think the team is starting to get along quite nicely.

— Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist?

— Yes, I have ___ there many times. It is quite beautiful. 

– Do you think you’ve got how to go there now? –  
If you do not want to answer this question, “Maria, do you know how to operate this machine?”, which technique you prefer to take?
Which do you think would be the best title for this passage? ( )
Among these articles, which do you think are most()to interest our students?
which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage
13Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence "Howre you doing"
Which do you think is ________, health or wealth?
Hey,what do you think of his speech last night-I have no ideaI arrivedfind that he had almost finished it
5.—Do you think bread is very popular in China?
Do you think this is a nice place?()

What you need to do is to keep things short and sweet, just the ______.

What do you think is the best title for the passage?
()we would like to assist you,we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.
Which do you think is _________________important, health or wealth?
