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In a data warehouse environment, data is only valuable when it is organized and displayed as(75)

2022-01-08 14:34



According to the Chemical Data Guide,epichlorohydrin is a(n)().
The principle for a stack memory to store data is
Some xSeries servers support 4-way memory interleaving and some support 2-way interleaving.  In both types of interleaving, the data is accessed 256 bits at a time.  How is this 256-bit data access achieved with 2-way interleaving?()
已知有如下结构体: struct sk { int a; float b; }data,*p; 若有P=&data,则对data的成员a引用正确的是( )。
已知有结构体: struct sk { int a; float b; }data,*p; 若有p=&data,则对data的成员a的正确引用是( )。
设有定义:struct sk {int a;float b;} data,* p; 若有p=& data;,则对data中的a域的正确引用是 ( )
已知有结构体:struct sk{ iht a;float b;)data,*p;若有p=&data,则对data的成员a的正确引用是( )。
已知有结构体: struct sk { int a; float b; }data,*p; 若有p=&data, 则对data的成员a的正确引用是( )。
设有如下定义: struct sk { int a;float b;}data,* p; 若有p=& data;,则对data中的a域的正确引用是 ( )
You are developing a data contract for a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The data in the data contract must participate in round trips. Strict schema validity is not required. You need to ensure that the contract is forward-compatible and allows new data members to be added to it. Which interface should you implement in the data contract class?()
Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and (1) it into useful information information that can be used to increase revenue, (2) costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It (3) users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.Although data mining is a (4) new term, the technology is not. Companies have used powerful computers to sift through volumes of supermarket scanner data and analyze market research reports for years. However, continuous innovations in computer processing power, disk storage, and statistical software are dramatically increasing the accuracy of analysis while driving (5) the cost.
A customer has a Fibre Channel switch residing in a configuration where both production and test data coexist. Which of the following is the simplest method for ensuring that the two types of data do not flow through the same port?()
Data warehouse only contains current information.
Data warehouse is a single source of information to understand different subjects.
A UDT is a data type which:()
In which situation is shredding XML data recommended?()
A weather map is a synoptic data because it().
A data( )is a file that contains metadata—that is,data about data.
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application uses a data contract that has several data members. You need the application to throw a SerializationException if any of the data members are not present when a serialized instance of the data contract is deserialized.What should you do?()
Which of the following is a typical data warehouse query?()
Which extinguishing agent is NOT recommended in the Chemical Data Guide for use on a cyclohexane fire?()
In the data link layer, the data unit is called(71).
In data communication, data link is those parts of two data terminal equipments that are controlled by a protocol along with the(71) data circuit, which together enable data(72). So-called protocol means, in short, a set of rules that determines the behavior. of functional units in achieving communication.Data circuit, however, consists of a pair of(73) transmission channels that provides a means of two-way data transmission. Between data switching exchanges, the data circuit may or may not include data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), depending on the type of(74) used at the data switching exchange. Between a data station and a data switching exchange or data concentrator, the data circuit includes the DCE at the data station end, and may include equipment(75) to a DCE at the data switching exchange or dam concentrator location.
The data ______ includes the function of updating data on a database, and retrieving data from a database.
In a data warehouse environment, data is only valuable when it is organized and displayed as(75)
Business intelligence (BI) is the integrated application of data warehouse, data mining and (73).
A (72) is a file that contains metadata—that is,data about data.
is an important one, but not the only web data formats.
Which Coherence caching pattern matches the sequence of events ?()  1. Data is requested from cache  2. The requested data does not exist in the cache (cache miss)  3. The Coherence cache store is used to red data from the back-end persistent data source, and placed in ther cache  4. Data requested from the cache is returned to the caller
The accounting manager wants you to create a form that when queried will display a calculated total of year-to-date actual expenditures for the fund code entered. The value needed to generate this summary data are stored in multiple tables. How would you define the data source for this data block without having the DBA create a database object? ()
●A (73) is a named memory block. By using its name, we can refer to the data stored in the memory block.
以下程序的执行结果为( )。 #include<iostream.h> class myClass { Dublic: myClass(int data) ; myClass(){value=0; }; myClass(myClass &obj); void print(){ cout<<value<<end1; } ~myClass(){} private: int value; }; myClass::myClass(int data) {value=data; } myClass::myClass(myClass &Obj) { value=obj.value; } void main() { myClass a(100); myClass b(a) ; b.print(); }
