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What is the man’s opinion of the auction?

2022-01-10 17:59
A、He thinks it’s mainly for children.
B、He feels it would be worthwhile.
C、He believes it is too complicated.



对话末男士提及What a good idea,可见他认为这些都是值得做的。
  W: Are you going to the fair next Saturday?
  M: What fair?
  W: The annual fair that Riverbell puts on the first Saturday in June to raise money for the Rivedale Hospital. The fair is being held on the university athletic field just like in previous years. Haven’t you noticed the tents that had already been set up?
  M: Yes, I have, what are they for?
  W: They are for the many special events and displays. And this year there’ll be quite a few new events. I am going to help serve food at the refreshment tent for a few hours Saturday afternoon.
  M: Do many people volunteer to help out?
  W: Oh, yes. I like helping because I really enjoy seeing a lot of my friends at the food tent. Everybody loves to eat.
  M: So, that’s it. I heard some other people talking about going to hear local bands. Everyone says that this year’s show is supposed to be more exciting than all the others put together. That’s the entertainment tent, right?
  W: Right, but that event will be the evening before the fair on Friday. An auction will take place on Saturday afternoon, and there will be some real treasures for sale then. People donate all kinds of things. There will also be an art show on Saturday and a special games tent just for children.
  M: And all the profits from the fair always go to support the hospital. What a good idea! Well, I need a couple of bookcases, maybe I can find some at the auction. I’m glad you mention it.

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What is the man’s opinion of the auction?
