首页/ 题库 / [单选题]7. Mary wants to be 的答案
She wants to be more than just a singer and is planning to ________ a company of her own.
Why does Ryan Steward want to be a college teacher?
1. He wants to be a teacher___________ .
Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is _____with a cold.
Do ____ want to go with ____ to the museum?
She ____________ to do A levels and go to university.
On some trains, if a passenger wants to get off, he has to ___.( )
Linda has become a lawyer, she wanted to be.
His brother had become a teacher, ______ he wanted to be
Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she __________ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often
( )--Mary doesnt like skating,does she --_____,but she used to
72 If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ________ in her diet
After going to several interviews, she eventually ________ to get a job
Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this SaturdayTom: ______What kind of partyMary: It’s a birthday party
Nancy: Have you heard about Dana She is going to get married with Graham!Scott:______
She got a ______ job while she was waiting to go to the university.
AHer name is Mary. She comes from America. She is in China with her father and mother. She can speak a little Chinese. She studies in No. 80 Middle School in Tianjin.She is in the same school as her parents(father and mother). She is a good student. She goes to school six days a week. She likes getting up early. She doesn’t like to be late.She often goes to school very early. But today she gets up late. So she gets to the classroom at 7:30. But there aren’t any students in it. She is not late. She is still early. It’s Sunday today. The students are all at home.( )21.Mary is from _______.
John : Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie?Karen: Either one, __________I just want to get out of the house.
Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _____ since her marriage to Father.
When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph he /she is trying to draw their attention to____.
