首页/ 题库 / [单选题]语句Dim birthday(1 to 的答案
若有数组说明语句:Dim t(1 To 10) As Variant,则t被定义为( )。
对于利用 Dim a(4,5) 语句定义的二维数组,Ubound(a,1)将返回
已知有如下数组定义Dim a(-3 To 6, 5, 3 To 10) As Integer则执行语句Print LBound(a, 2); UBound(a, 2),输出的值为______。
As per UCP600, the words “to”, “till”, “from”, “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, the words “before” and “after” exclude the date mentioned. ()
设有如下变量声明: Dim Test Date AS Date 为变量Test Date正确赋值的表达式是( )。
语句Dim s(1 to 5)as Boolean定义的数组是()类型的元素。
以上程序段运行的结果是:______. Dim a(-1 To 5) As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag = False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag = True For i = -1 To 5 j=j+1 if a(i)= False Then a(i)= True Exit For End If If i = 5 Then flag = True End If Next Loop Print j
以下程序段运行的结果是______。 Dim a(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+l If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print j
以下程序段运行的结果是 ______。 Dim a(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print j
语句Dim s(1 to 5)as String定义的数组是()类型的元素。
定义变量的语句Dim abc As String*3是正确的。
有变量定义语句Dim max,min As String,则可以知道max的类型是
Dim a(3,-3 to 0,3 to 8)As String语句定义的数组元素有
用如下语句所定义的数组的元素个数是______个。 Dim b(-2 to 4)as string

Dim A (-4 to 6) As Integer

语句Dim a(-3 To 4,3 To 6)As Integer定义的数组元素个数是( )。
( 22 )语句 dim a(-3 to 4,3 to 6)as integer 定义的数组的元素个数是
用下面的语句定义的数组元素的个数是 ______。 Dim Arrl(-2 To 6)As Integer
语句Dim a(-3 To 4, 3 To 6)As Integer定义的数组的元素个数是______。
用下面语句定义的数组元素个数是______。 Dim Arr2(-2 To 6, i To 5) As Integer
