首页/ 题库 / [单选题]假定已经定义了一个过程SubAdd(a 的答案

假定已经定义了一个过程SubAdd(a As Single,b As Single),则正确的调用语句是( )。

2022-02-24 18:33
A、Add 12,12
B、Call Add(2*x,sin(1.57))
C、Call Add x,y
D、Call Add(12,12,x)



已知有下面过程: Private Sub proc1(a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean) ...... End Sub 正确调用此过程的语句是______。
已知有下面的过程Private Sub proc1(a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean)……End Sub正确调用此过程的语句是( )。
设有以下函数过程Private Function Fun(a()As Integer,b As String)As IntegerEhd Function若已有变量声明:Dim x(5)As Integer,n As Integer,ch As String则下面正确的过程凋用语句是
定义数组语句Dim a(b)As Integer是正确的
语句Dim s(1 to 5)as Single定义的数组是()类型的元素。
下列事件过程的功能是:建立一个名为Datal的随机文件,存放角度值及这些角度的正弦函数值和余弦函数值,角度为1,2,3,…,90。请在空白处填入适当的内容,将程序补充完整。 Private Type Ang K As Integer Sinx As Single Cosx As Single End Type Dim Ksc As Ang Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Y As Single Dim i As Integer Dim
假定以定义了一个过程sub add(a as single, b as single),则正确的调用语句是()
假定已经定义了一个过程SubAdd(a As Single,b As Single),则正确的调用语句是( )。
定义两个过程Private Sub Fun 1(S as String)和Private Sub Fun2 (a( )as String*6),在调用过程中用Dim St (6) as String*6定义了一个字符串数组。下面调用语句中正确的有()。 ①Call Fun1(St(3)) ②Call Fun2(St) ③Call Fun1(St) ④Call Fun2(st(6))
A corporation refers to a group of people who are _____ permitted to act as a single unit mainly for purposes of business.
下面程序运行结果是( )。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As Single,y As Single x=InputBox("请输入数据25"):y=InputBox("请输入数据10") Print x+y;InputBox("请输入数据25")+InputBox("请输入数据10") End Sub
使用Function语句定义一个函数过程,其返回值的类型 A.只能是符号常量 B.是除数组之外的简单数据类型 C.可在调用时由运行过程决定 D.由函数定义时As子句声明
有如下一个Sub过程: Sub mlt(ParamArray numbers()) n=1 For Each x In numbers n=n*x Next x Print n End Sub 在一个事件过程中如下调用该Sub过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim d As Integer a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 mlt a,b,c,d End Sub 该程序的运行结果为( )。
有如下一个Sub过程: Sub mlt (ParamArray numbers()) n=1 For Each x In numbers n=n * x Next x Print n End Sub在一个事件过程中如下调用该Sub过程: Private Sub Coinmand1_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim d As Integer a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 mlt a,b,c,d End Sub 则运行该程序,结果为______。
编写如下事件过程和函数过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim num(1 To 6)As Single num(1)=103:num(2)=190:num(3)=0 num(4)=32:num(5)=-56:num(6)=100 Print Print p2(6,num()) End Sub Private Function p2(By Val n As Integer, number() As Single) As Integer p2=number(1) For j=2 To n If number(j)<p2 Then p2=number(j) Next j End Function 程序运行后,在窗体上输出( )。
编写如下事件过程和函数过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim num(1 To 6) As Single num(1)=103: num(2)=190: num(3)=0 hum(4)=32:num(5)=-56: num(6)=100 Print Print p2(6,num()) End Sub Private Function p2(ByVal n As Integer, number() As Single) As Integer p2=number(1) For j=2 To n If number(j)<p2 Then p2=number(j) Next j End Function 程序运行后,在窗体上输出( )。
编写如下事件过程和函数过程: Private Sub Form_Chck() DimBum(1 To 6)As Single num(1)=103:num(2)=190:num(3)=0 Bum(4)=32:num(5)=-56:num(6)=100 Print Pdnt p2(6,hum()) End Sub Private Function p2(ByVal n As Integer,number()As Single)As Integer p2=
下列程序执行后,变量a的值为( )。 Dim a,b,c,d as single a=100 b=20 c=1000 if b>a Then d=a:a=b:b=d End if if c>a Then d=a:a=c:c=d End if if c>b Then d=b:b=c:c=d End if
下列程序执行后,变量a的值为 Dim a,b,C,d as single a=100:b=20:c=1000 if b>a Then d=a:a=b:b=d End if if c > a Then d=b:b=c:c=d End if
下列程序执行后,变量x的值为______。 Dim a, b, c, d As Single Dim x As Single a=100 b=20 c=1000 If b>a Then d=a: a=b: b=d End If If b>c Then x=b Elseif a>c then x=c Else x=a End If
下列程序执行后,变量x的值为( )。 Dim a, b, c, d As Single Dim x As Single a=10 b=30 c=400 If b>a Then d=a:a=b:b=d End If If b>c Then x=b Else If a>c Then x=c Else x=a End If
How does the effect known as “bank suction” act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?()
How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?().
执行下列程序后,鼠标单击窗体,输出结果为 Private Sub Form_Click() Print"Click": End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift_As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print"Donw" End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift_As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print"Up" End Sub
执行下列程序后,鼠标单击窗体,输出结果为。 Private Sub Form_Click() Print“Click”; End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift_ As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print “Donw” End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift_ As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print“Up” End Sub
若看到程序中确以下事件过程,则可以肯定的是,当程序运行时( )。 Private Sub Click—MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print"VB Program" End Sub
若看到程序中确以下事件过程,则可以肯定的是,当程序运行时( )。Private Sub Click—MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,YAs Single)Print"VB Program"End Sub
若看到程序中有以下事件过程,则可以肯定的是,当程序运行时( )。 Private Sub Click MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Print”Visual Basic Program” End Sub
若看到程序中有以下事件过程,则可以肯定的是,当程序运行时Private Sub Click_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)Print”VB Program”End Sub
设有如下变量声明语句: Dim a,b As Boolean 则下面叙述中正确的是( )。
设有如下变量声明语句:Dim a,b As Boolean则下面叙述中正确的是
