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In marine time chartering, the following()terms are normally appeared in the time charter party.

2022-02-26 20:17
A、freight payment
B、payment of hire
C、trading limits

B | C


标签: CMS专题
According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to(),hire will not cease.
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned?().
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire mostlikely to be mentioned?().
According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to(),hire will not cease.
()in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.
If a chartered ship is prevented from,or delayed in,getting to the loading port by peril excepted during the voyage,the exception clauses().
The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party? ().
The partial loss of or damage to the cargo is not recoverable from the insurer resulting from natural calamities under()in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses.
The master may bind the Shipowner or Charterer()doing such things as are necessary on the part of the one or of the other to carry out the contract.
The microsecond unit of time is used in radar applications. The microsecond represents which of the following?().
The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay().
In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can().
In Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _____.
Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service.
What is an example of the term “Restraint of Rulers,Princes,or Peoples” in a marine insurance policy? ()
The Great Charter(or Magna Carta)was signed by King John at Runnymede in()
The shipment time is June or July atour()and the good swill be shipped in one().
In time charter-party,()is to indemnify the owners against all consequences or liabilities arising from the master signing bills of lading or otherwise complying with such orders.
If the Shipowner has failed to carry out a term of a time charter-party whereby he undertakes to maintain the vessel in a seaworthy state,this only()the Charterer to sue him for damages,and not to repudiate the charter-party.
Which of the following marine insurance policies is normally purchased by the cargo owner?().
By the time charter,a Shipowner agrees to place his vessel at the disposal of a Charterer for ().
Some lights used as aids to marine navigation have a red sector to indicate a danger area. The limits of a colored sector of a light are listed in the Light List in which of the following manners?()
()in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.
()is a notice served by a shipmaster to the Charterers informing them that the vessel is ready to load according to the terms outlined in the charter.
The information on()is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook.
If the Charterer loads or discharges the vessel in a shorter time than is allowed to him by the lay days,he may be entitled to().
The Charterers shall have the privilege to ship dangerous cargo in accordance with()Code or any competent authorities’ regulations,as applicable.
The right to limit liability in connection with the ship()also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.
If a small fire initially breaks out in the engine room bilges, in which of the following sequences should the fire extinguishing agents or systems be used?()
What is an example of the term Restraint of Rulers,Princes,or Peoples in a marine insurance policy? ()
What is an example of the term Restraint of Rulers,Princes,or Peoples in a marine insurance policy?()
In marine time chartering, the following()terms are normally appeared in the time charter party.
