首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Vessels are required的答案
The students are required to ()the main ideas of the article in their own words. 选项
Vessels required to be equipped with an approved backfire flame arrester are().
()the incomplete nature of the survey,heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line.
When one of two vessels()is required to keep out of the way the other must keep her course and speed.
Masters are()solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.

During the project, requirements change for a variety of reasons. As needs change and as work proceeds, additional requirements are derived and changes may have to be made to the existing requirements. It is essential to manage these additions and changes efficiently and effectively. To effectively analyze the impact of the changes, it is necessary that the source of each requirement is known and the rationale for any change is documented. The project manager may, however, want to track appropriate measures of requirements volatility to judge whether new or revised()are necessary.

During the project, requirements change for a variety of reasons. As needs change and as work proceeds, additional requirements are derived and changes may have to be made to the existing requirements. It is essential to manage these additions and changes efficiently and effectively. To effectively analyze the impact of the changes, it is necessary that the source of each requirement is known and the rationale for any change is documented. The project manager may, however, want to track appropriate measures of requirements volatility to judge whether new or revised ( )are necessary.
● During the project, requirements change for a variety of reasons. As needs change and as work proceeds, additional requirements are derived and changes may have to be made to the existing requirements. It is essential to manage these additions and changes efficiently and effectively. To effectively analyze the impact of the changes, it is necessary that the source of each requirement is known and the rationale for any change is documented. The project manager may, however, want to track appropriate measures of requirements volatility to judge whether new or revised (75)are necessary.(75)
During the project, requirements change for a variety of reasons. As needs change and as work proceeds, additional requirements are derived and changes may have to be made to the existing requirements. It is essential to manage these additions and changes efficiently and effectively. To effectively analyze the impact of the changes, it is necessary that the source of each requirement is known and the rationale for any change is documented. The project manager may, however, want to track appropriate measures of requirements volatility to judge whether new or revised(75)are necessary.
Our practices are conformable to the requirements()by international organizations.
The students are required to_the main ideas of the article in their own words.
Fire protection regulations for towing vessels require any fuel line subject to internal head pressure from fuel in the tank to().
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called( ). Requirements written from the developer&39;s perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called( ). Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is( ). The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to( ). That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of( ).
A requirement is simplya statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called _( )_.
Vessels are warned()in the area enclosed by pecked lines owing to the existence of numerous telegraph cables.
Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding lashing requirements to secure vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels? ()
Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE regarding lashing requirements to secure vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels? ()
Two vessels meeting in a “head-on” situation are directed by the Rules to().
Injuries resulting in loss of life or incapacitation,aboard vessels,must be reported to the ().
The required fireman’s outfits required for ship’s are not to be used for any other purpose EXCEPT for the().
