首页/ 题库 / [单选题]30. Stop _________ a的答案

I enjoy__________ books in the library.

Hearing a _____________ noise in the backyard, Pamela went there to have a look.
About __________ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.
Books in the library are arranged by different__________.( )
After several days of heavy rain the roof __________ with a loud noise, crashing (坠落) onto the ground.
-- Can I smoke here? -- No, _______ at no time in the library.( )
There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn’t make himself _______.
Is the library _______ now? No, it's _______.
After several days of heavy rain the roof __________ with a loud noise, crashing (坠落) onto the ground.
Books in the library are arranged by different__________.( )
Is the library _______ now? No, it\'s _______.
—Is the library ______ now?—No, it.s ______
There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn.t make himself _______
-Can I take the book out of the library? - __________
I was taking a rest in my bedroom, ____________ I heard a loud shout “stop the chief” come from the outside.
There are __________ months in a year. December is the __________ month of the year.
The bus ________for the next stop.
There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldnt make himself _______
Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining
In the ________ of the project not being a success, the manager stands to lose up to $30  million
