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You are underway and pass by a lighthouse. Its light,which was white since you first sighted it,changes to red. This means().

2022-03-03 20:38
A、the light is characterized as alternately flashing
B、the lighthouse has lost power and has switched to emergency lighting
C、it is the identifying light characteristic of the lighthouse
D、you have entered an area of shoal water or other hazard



标签: 安全通信
Are you ready ()get underway?
As mentioned above, C imposes relatively few built - in ways of doing things on the program- mer. Some common tasks, such as manipulating(66),(67), and doing(68)(I/O), are performed by calling on library functions. Other tasks which you might want to do, such as creating or listing directories, or interacting with a mouse, or displaying windows or other(69)elements, or doing color graphics, are not defined by the C language at all. You can do these things from a C program, of course, but you will be calling on services which are peculiar to your programming environment(70), processor, and operating system)and which are not defined by the C standard. Since this course is about portable C programming, it will also be steering clear of facilities not provided in all C environments.
If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this indicates a().
If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this is a ().
You are designing a top-level OU structure to meet the business and technical requirements. Which top-evel OU or OUs should you use?()
CYou speak, write a letter, make a telephone. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying "No". You nod and people know you are saying "Yes". Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.61. People communicate ________.
You are underway in fog and you hear one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts.This is a vessel().
Sometimes lights are()by fog,haze,dust,smoke,or precipitation which may be present at the light,or between the light and the observer,and which is possibly unknown by the observer.
【参考范例九】Education Are you with a job or are you studying?
You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are().
If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().
While underway and towing an unmanned tank barge you are required to().
A capacitor will block ()current, but appears to pass ()current by charging and discharging.
If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().
If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().
Are you going to borrow a dictionary or a magazine ? -- ____.
When underway in a channel,you should if safe and practicable().
Student A: By the way, would you please do me a favor by passing the book over?Student B: ______, here you are.
While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry“man overboard”.Which type of maneuver should you make().
A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project ( ) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or
As a Pass Guide instructor you are giving a lecture on the historical context of Cisco. You point out that a computer scientist started the Cisco Corporation. One of the attendants asks you when and where Cisco was founded. What should you respond? ()
After you get underway,what is the first river gage you will pass? ()
A lighthouse can be identified by its().
You are a watch standing mate and have come to the bridge to relieve the watch while underway at sea.The watch should not be transferred().
BIt seems that travelling is very important in modern(现代的)life. The fastest way of trav- elling is by plane. You can travel by plane in one day to a place that it took a month or more toget to a hundred years ago.Travelling by train is slower than by plane. But it has its advantages(优势). You can enjoy the scenery of the places you're travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and.dining cars.Some people like to travel by sea sometimes. There are large liners or river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes ,but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable(时间表). You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day ,just as you like.You can stop wherever you wish-at a place where there is something interesting to see ,at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal ,or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why trav-elling by car is popular for pleasant trips ,while people usually take trains or planes when they are travelling on business.( )26. From the passage ,we know the fastest(最快的)way of travelling is _________ .
As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that()manners are important to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits!
You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar a contact 10 miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later,the contact is 8 miles directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact? ()
You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made.You should().
You are underway and pass by a lighthouse. Its light,which was white since you first sighted it,changes to red. This means().
You are underway and pass by a lighthouse.Its light,which was white since you first sighted it,changes to red.This means().
You are underway in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must().
You are underway and approaching a bend in the channel where vessels approaching from the opposite direction cannot be seen.You should sound().
