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Those ship’s tanks that are particularly important for trimming the ship are the().

2022-03-07 16:26



()all ships in a large sea area being alerted, an “area call” will normally be transmitted so that only those ships in the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted.
Many vessels are provided with flume tanks,which also have a dump tank located under the flume tanks. In the event the ship is damaged,you could dump the flume tanks into the dump tank which would().
It is requested that the ship’s personnel are()the port regulations.
The Company should ensure that the ship’s personnel are able to () effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS.
In no case shall ballast water be carried in cargo tanks,()on those rare voyages when weather conditions are so severe that,in the opinion of the master,it is necessary to carry additional ballast water in cargo tanks for the safety of the ship.
Those ship’s tanks that are particularly important for trimming the ship are the().
Buying clothes()(是一件很耗时的工作), because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.
In face of the rising cost for higher education,fields of graduate study that are favored by students are those that()
When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship,and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship’s engine,care must be taken that the pilot().
() system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the sea as required to trim the vessel.
You are ordering ships’ stores that are NOT consumer commodities. Which statement is TRUE?()
_____ed ucation is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and studen t s are separated by distance or time,or both.
That.s one of those questions that ________.
Are those drinks yours or are they his? 那些饮料是你的还是他的?
()morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.
(), where extensive work, particularly to the ship’s structure may be repairedThese are the result of groundings collisions and other accidents.
are those programs that help find the information you are trying to locate on the WWW.
(68) are those programs that help find the information you are trying to locate onthe WWW.(68)
Everyone knows that China’s Bristles are of superior quality()those from other countries.
Those who are against gene patents believe that_____
()cargoes in IMSBC code are those that are likely to liquefy.
Prior to burning or welding on a fuel tank on a ship,regulations require that an inspection be made. An entry in the unofficial logbook is required if this inspection is made by().
The freight will not be payable()the goods are delivered in such a condition that they are substantially and in a mercantile sense the same goods as those shipped.
Dry cargoes are those commodities that().
Odorous cargoes are those that().
The remarks are not similar()those on the shipping orders.
The remarks are not similar()those on the Shipping Orders.
The Master or person in charge of a ship shall insure that each deck from which lifeboats are launched is().
This system is only applicable()those ships which are anchored at the roadstead waiting for entry.
Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast, () must be fitted in the pipeline.
Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast () must be fitted in the pipe so that only the ballast main or the oil transfer main connected to the tank.
