首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Treatments of heat e的答案
A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of the country or the world回答
热衰竭(heat exhaustion)
The forced draught fan should be started and air passed through the furnace for several minutes to “()” it of any exhaust gas or oil vapors.
The maximum pressure developed by a waste heat boiler is determined by the main engine exhaust ().
An exhaust gas bypass is installed on a waste heat boiler in order to ().
Which of the following items is necessary for all waste heat boiler installations, regardless of design or manufacturer? ()
The diesel engine exhaust gas bypass, as fitted with some waste heat boilers, is installed to ()
The extended aeration process consists of () the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface.
The basic process of biological sewage treatment consists of the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface()
The()provides a rapid means of tallying when items of the same commodity are being loaded or unloaded in uniform drafts consisting of an equal number of pieces.
The terrestrial system of GMDSS consists of().
A variable displacement system of hydraulic drives consists of ().
Network software consists of( ),or rules by which processes can communicate.
●Network software consists of (74), or rules by which processes can communicate.(74)
The rotating unit of a spilt windlass consists of a() with shaped snugs to grip the anchor cablea mooring drum for paying out or letting go of mooring wires and warp end for warping duties.
The sum of the sensible heat and the latent heat of any substance is known as ().
Heat causes the()of gas.
Treatments of heat exhaustion consist of().
Symptoms of heat stroke are().
A patient suffering from heat exhaustion should be().
