首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The burning of fuel 的答案

The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()

2022-03-25 21:28
A、corrosion and grooving of exhaust valves
B、corrosion and gumming of the fuel injection pump
C、salt deposits in the exhaust manifold
D、slag deposits in the fuel injection equipment



The percentage of impurities in a specific fuel oil sample is determined by ().
Diesel engine fuel oil contamination often results in ()
The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its()
Fueling results in the collection of waste oil in drip pans and containers. Which is an approved method of disposing of the waste oil? ()
The vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”We are going to run fuel oil instead of () and open the fuel oil heater steam valve.
A change in the degree of fuel atomization in a diesel engine would most greatly affect ().
Proper dispersion of fuel in a diesel engine cylinder is dependent upon the ()
The rate of fuel injection in a diesel engine cylinder depends primarily on ().
The amount of expansion space to be left in a fuel tank when fuel oil is being received, is determined by the ().
The most effective method in removing water from diesel fuel oil is by()
When separating fuel oil in oil separator, the separating quantity is() of the real quantity.
In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.
Increasing the compression ratio of a diesel engine while maintaining the designed rate of fuel flow will result in ()
In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.
The percentage of impurities in a specific fuel oil sample is determined by ().
A sudden decrease in the diesel engine lube oil viscosity could be an indication of()
A diesel engine burns () a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period of time.
The efficient burning of fuel in a diesel engine is dependent upon the ()
When comparing different fuels for different engines, the ignition quality of diesel fuel oils becomes a less critical consideration as ()
When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it ().
