首页/ 题库 / [单选题]I was satisfied with的答案
Her bad temper was ______, and she was often depicted with a beard and a bow and arrow, testifying to her warlike character.
"Her bad temper was ______, and she was often depicted with a beard and a bow and arrow, testifying to her warlike character."
Though he didn't answer my questions quickly, the look on his face ___________ that he was satisfied with me.
— Jim, let’s hurry to the airport. Mabel is coming.— Oh, I was afraid________ . What’s made her change her mind?
Rosemary is ________ fatter than she was when I first met her.( )_
I was one of those people who went to __________ college knowing exactly what I wanted to do with __________ life.
Though he didn\'t answer my questions quickly, the look on his face ___________ that he was satisfied with me.
— Jim, let’s hurry to the airport. Mabel is coming.— Oh, I was afraid________ . What’s made her change her mind?
Rosemary is ________ fatter than she was when I first met her.( )_
I was satisfied with her explanation, ______
It was not until she had arrived home __________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.
Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
The weather was terrible outside. She entered the office, her nose ______ with cold.
Her ______ was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.
I was angry because I put off ___________ good friends whom I was going to get in touch with someday
Her son was filled .with ____ to become a great inventor.
— You should have thanked her before she left. — I meant_______, but when I was leaving I couldn.t find her anywhere.
I had my meals ______ when I was ill in bed with a bad cold
I was satisfied with her explanation ,
The doctor was satisfied with the girl because _________
