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Each ship shall carry on board a shop security plan approved by ()

2022-04-19 09:46
A、the chief engineer officer
B、the master of the ship
C、the manager of the company
D、the Administratio



The maintenance work for sailors includes cleaning , repairing, and ()(涂漆) work on board a ship.
The maintenance work for sailors includes ()(清洁), repairing and painting work on board a ship. 正确答案A
On a ship,each emergency generator must be tested at least once each().
Ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three day’s duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation to be used().
Each ship shall carry on board a shop security plan approved by ()
Each ship shall carry on board a shop security plan approved by ()
How long must the records of tests and inspections of fire fighting equipment on board a ship be retained on board?()
If passengers are on board when an abandon ship drill is carried out,they should().
Each hand portable fire extinguisher on a ship must be marked with().
Stanchions prevent the entire deck load on a ship from being carried by the().
Regulations require certain records to be retained on board for at least 3 months after a ship is involved in a casualty or until advised that they are no longer needed on board by the ().

为了保证船舶航行安全,首先要确定船舶的航向与位置。船舶定位方法按照参照目标可分为( )。



Bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to().
Pleases end us the amendment()L/C immediately or we shall not be able to ship your order on time.
We shall hoist the ___ (H旗) as soon as a pilot comes on board
The record of tests and inspection of fire fighting equipment on board a ship must include().
A ship must have on board a first-aid kit that is approved by the().
The Urgency Signal()indicates that the station calling has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship or aircraft,or of some person on board or within sight.
A ship required to carry an Oil Record Book must maintain the book on board for().
On a ship,a fire drill shall be conducted once every().
The Master or person in charge on a ship shall insure that line throwing equipment is not operated().
The Master or person in charge of a ship shall insure that each deck from which lifeboats are launched is().
How many adult life jackets are required on board a ship?()
Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for()to the satisfaction of the Administration.
RULE III. EXTINGUISHING FIRE ON SHIPBOARD: Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by water or otherwise, including damage by beaching or scuttling a burning ship, in extinguishing a fire on board the ship, shall be made good as general average; except that no compensation shall be made for damage by smoke or heat however caused. 根据以上条款,不能列入共同海损的是()。
A ship required to carry an Oil Record Book must maintain the book on board for().
After conducting an abandonment drill,the Master or person in charge of a ship shall log().
Each EPIRB required on a ship shall be stowed in a manner which will permit().
