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Passage 1  The human race is using up the Earth's resources faster than ever before, according to a new report by the United Nations Population Fund. “Environmental devastation is not simply a waste of 1, it is a threat to the complex structures that 2human development,” says the report.  3 attention must be paid to find a(n)  4 between human and environmental needs, it says.  The report, State of the World Population 2001, says that water supplies and agricultural lands are coming  5 such increasing pressure that, if left  6 , our planet will not be able to support us in future years. Over the past 70 years, the world’s population has tripled to 6.1 billion people,  7 water-use increasing six-fold, says the report. Already 508 million people live in 31 countries that lack water. And the problem is likely to  8 as the global population is  9 to rise to eight billion by 2025.  By 2050, predicts the report, 4.2 billion people will be living in countries that cannot meet people's daily  10 needs. Unclean water and poor sanitation already kills over 12 million people every year. Food production is also  11 by environmental problems, says the report. “To  12 the future population and improve their diets, the world will have to double food production,” it says. “But since available cropland is  13 , most production will have to come from higher  14 rather than new  15 .”  According to the report, global poverty cannot be  16 without  17 the environmental damage caused by these increases in consumption and population  18 . To reduce the burden on the planet, the report suggests, all efforts should be  19 to improve education and healthcare, as this would  20 reduce population growth.1. A. facilities    B. resources   C. reserves   D. provisions2. A. support     B. found     C. retain    D. advocate3. A. Intensive    B. Intense    C. Emergent   D. Urgent4. A. equation     B. tradeoff    C. balance    D. axis5. A. under      B. into      C. below     D. beyond6. A. unnoticed    B. behind     C. alone     D. unchecked7. A. in        B. with      C. by      D. above8. A. aggravate    B. heighten    C. decline    D. worsen9. A. projected    B. speculated   C. intended   D. assessed10. A. luxurious    B. utmost     C. intrinsic   D. basic11. A. affected    B. effected    C. reflected   D. generated12. A. contain     B. lodge     C. furnish    D. accommodate13. A. shrinking    B. diminishing  C. contracting  D. waning14. A. outputs     B. turnovers   C. yields    D. harvests15. A. cultivation   B. production   C. farming    D. plowing16. A. lightened    B. released    C. elevated   D. alleviated17. A. reversing    B. inverting   C. upsetting   D. disregarding18. A. standards    B. indexes    C. norms     D. levels19. A. tried      B. taken     C. done     D. made20. A. in effect    B. in turn    C. in part    D. by turns

2022-04-19 21:08

1.B 文章首句提到人类正在用光地球上的资源,根据文章主题可选resources。facilities“设备,设施”。reserve“储量;储备金”。provision“条款;供应品”。
2.A that引导的定语从句修饰structures。选项中support最为合适。found“成立,建立”。retain“保持,保留”。advocate“提倡”。
3.D 后文的must be paid提示这一情况很紧急,此处选urgent“紧急的,急迫的”。intensive“集中的;加强的”。intense“强烈的;紧张的”。emergent“意外的,紧急的”。
4.C 文章主题是人类正在用光地球资源,因此为了解决这种问题,只能在between human and environmental needs(在人类和环境的需要之间)找到两者之间的平衡,选balance。equation“等式”。tradeoff“权衡”。axis“轴线”。
5.A under pressure“在压力下”。
6.D 句意:…如果不管的话,我们的星球在未来将不能供养我们。unchecked“未加抑制的”,符合文意。unnoticed“未被注意的”。left behind“留下”。left alone“不干涉,不管”。
7.B with sb./sth.+现在分词表示伴随情况。
8.D 后文提到global population is … to rise to eight billion,意思是全球人口还将继续上升。文中指出已经有很多人生活在缺水的地方,如果人口增多,势必会加重这种情况。worsen“恶化,变得更坏”,符合句意。aggravate“加重,使恶化”为及物动词。heighten“提高,增强”。decline“下降;衰退”。
9.A by 2025提示这里是对将来的一种推断。project和speculate都有“预计,推测”的含义,但speculate强调推理过程,指考虑或谈论某事而前提不确定或不完整,只是凭空猜想或仅凭推理,其结论往往具有假设性或理论性。因此本题答案是project。intend“想要,打算”。assess“评定,估价”。
10.D water, sanitation, food都是日常生活的基本需要,选basic,其他选项不合文意。luxurious“奢华的”。utmost“极度的”。intrinsic“本质的,固有的”。
11.A 由下文关于粮食生产的解释说明可以看出粮食生产也会受到环境问题的影响,本题选affect。effect作及物动词时意为“产生,招致”。reflect“反射;思考”。generate“产生,使形成”。
12.D to引导的不定式结构常表示目的,即为了 将来的人口并提高他们的。后面的the world will have to double food production就是为了达到该目的而采取的首段,结合选项,accommodate“供应”,符合文意。contain“包括”,强调包容。lodge“寄存,借住”。furnish“提供”,其用法为furnish sb. with sth.。
13.A 结合选项可知文中的意思是:可耕地的面积在减小。选项中单词都有“变小;收缩”的意思,但用法各异。shrink指长度、范围、容积等的收缩或变小。diminish侧重大小、数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。contract指一物体由于某种原因或使用某种方法而使其体积由大变小或由长变短。wane强调的是“衰弱,衰退”。综合分析,shrink最合适。
14.C 增加粮食产出通常包括增加土地产量和增加耕地面积两种方式,文中提到rather than new cultivation(不是通过新的耕地),那么应是通过提高土地产量来实现。表示农作物的产量用yield,其他选项不合文意。output多用于工业生产中。turnover“营业额”。harvest“产量”,常与good或poor搭配。
15.A 根据文意,产量不是来自对新土地的开垦,因此选A项cultivation“耕作,种植”。production“生产”。farm“种田”。plow“耕地,犁地”。
16.D “缓解贫困”用alleviate poverty表示。lighten“使轻松”。release“释放”。elevate“提升;举起”。
17.A reverse意为“倒转,逆转”,其他选项不合文意。invert“倒置,颠倒”。upset“打翻,推翻”。disregard“不顾,不管”。
18.D 该处的意思是:消费和人口 的增长。结合选项,level最符合文意。standard指事先制定出来的一种或一套客观、公正的规则。index“指数,指标”。norm“规范;基准”。
19.D make efforts to do“努力做某事”。
20.B in turn“反过来”。句意:应该努力提高教育和医疗水平,因为这些反过来会降低人口增长。in effect“生效;实际上”。in part“部分地”。by turns“轮流,交替”。


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