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Learning is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process.()

2022-04-30 13:51



标签: CMS专题
What is the main idea of the acquisition-learning hypothesis?
()is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.
What is the role of environment in language learning according to the behaviorists? And the mentalists?
What is the difference between acquisition and learning? Illustrate with examples.
Firefighting foam is only effective when the foam().
()is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.
When learning a new route, if a LSA received is not found in the topological database, what will an internal OSPF router do?()
The FEC mode is for()from()station to two or more other stations when available.
Learning is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process.()
The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.()
Practice 8  ● You are the Director of the Human Resources Department. The CEO has asked you to prepare a proposal on how to turn classroom training into workplace learning for the management discussion.  ● Write the proposal explaining how to turn the classroom training into workplace learning.  ● In your proposal, you need to:  ● refer to the importance of turning professional training into workplace learning,  ● summarize the key factors in effective learning cycle such as goals, practice, and application, etc.  ● Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
The effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel is most noticeable when().

It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global ________ economy. 

10.  The students’ preference ______ learning online urge the teachers to learn more about computer and network.(本题1.0分)
The students’ preference ______ learning online urge the teachers to learn more about computer and network.
As we know, education is about learning and the more you learn, ____________.
Passage Five
Online distance learning (网上远程教育) is an instructional system which connects learners with educational resources. Students work on their own at home, at work, or at school and communicate with faculty and other students by means of e-mail, electronic meetings, videoconferencing, chat rooms, instant messaging and other forms of computer-based communication. There are both advantages and disadvantages to online distance learning.
There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available all the time, anywhere and to all people. However, there are weaknesses for some learners. The online learner only has the written text and no other face-to-face hints. This may confuse the learner and cause misunderstanding. While distance learning allows for an openness, it is also difficult because it is done by e-mail messages and writing, and therefore may take more time than face-to-face learning. Sometimes the messages can be overwhelming for many online students.
Universities, colleges and schools use online distance learning environments. These are important for students who may be unable to attend classes for various reasons like illnesses or busy everyday schedules. Some learners just want to further their studies at home. They enjoy the convenience of home learning as they take regular programs or enrichment classes.
Online courses keep learners very occupied at all hours of the day .There are a great many nessages and other online resources to read and respond to . Most learners have regular jobs or attend regular school classes on ground as well . However, the benefits are clear. Online distance learning is becoming very popular. Some online classes have become a profitable business as they replace regular traditional means of learning.{TS}Which of the following is TRUE of the passage about online distance learning?
It is no longer a question _____ man is learning more and more about space
One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students often ___.
The ___ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows.
Richards (1994, 1998) believes that the quality of ___ between the teacher and the learner and between the learners has a great deal of impact on the effects of learning.
Lifelong learning is more and more important because people are now facing ___________ in changing economies.
The puopose of learning Unit One is
The Advancement of Learning is a great tract on _____
For in-the-use evaluation, evaluation is done based on the___opinion ie teachers’ as well as learners, about how useful and effective it is for promoting learning
When the Pilot is embarked he or she ().
When the pilot is embarked he or she().
The author's major conclusion about mistakes in foreign language learning is that
__________is the guarantee of improving learning efficiency and developing independent learning capability.
What is the major difference between deductive learning of grammar and inductive learning of grammar?
Learning is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process.()
The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.()
