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—How are your recent trip to Sichuan?—I’ve never had ______ one before.

2022-05-12 22:40
A、a pleasant
B、a more pleasant
C、a most pleasant
D、the most pleasant



考查形容词比较级的用法。句意:——你的四川之行怎么样?——再好不过了。否定词加比较级往往表示最高级的概念。如:He couldn’t have done better. 他做得再好不过了。故选B。


You should learn through failures. Why don't you _____ your plan or try a new approach?

You should learn through failures. Why don\'t you _____ your plan or try a new approach?

Passage Five
What can you do to recall your dreams more often and interpret them more clearly? The experts offer these suggestions: Develop an idea. Before you go to sleep, consciously think about a topic or a person you’d like to dream about. Raise a question that’s troubling you and see how your dream responds to it. Keep track. Next to your bed, place a pen and some paper, or a tape recorder or a laptop(笔记本电脑) , to record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Try to wake up naturally, without the help of an alarm clock or barking dog that can interrupt your dream cycle. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to sleep in during the week, begin your dream journey on a weekend or during a vocation. Wake up slowly. For the first moment after you wake up, lie still and keep your eyes closed, because your dream may be connected to your body position while you slept. Try to recall the dream and then store it in your memory by giving it a name like “Late for an Exam” or “My Dare with Ashley Judd” when you rise, immediately wrote down as many images, feeling and impressions as you can. Connect the dots. To better interpret your dreams, try to make connection between your recalled dreams and recent events. Do you recognize people from the present or past? Can you detect any themes from the dream? Look for partners over several dreams that might help explain an individual dream. Change the outcome. If you have nightmares happening again and again that make it different to sleep, try to change the endings. Once you wake up from a bad dream, imagine a change in the action to create more positive outcome. If you are trapped, try to fly. In your dream, you can do what you want!{TS}The passage advices you to” wake up slowly” ______.
According to the passage,what does the sentence “no matter where or how they are performed"(para.1) really mean?
How many people are there in your party?
How would you like your steak, medium or well-done?
Are you married or single?
– How are you getting on with your study? –
Don’t waste your time or energy on such a subject. Try to find something ____ researching into.
Are those drinks yours or are they his? 那些饮料是你的还是他的?
Families that are paying for college or saving for college are trying to _______ and save the money for their kids
Dont give anyone online your real last (), phone number, or your home address
Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline 回答
You should learn through failuresWhy dont youyour plan or try a newapproach
阅读下面的句子并选择正确的汉语翻译。 目:1 Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy回答 2 Instead of sending an email to your co-worker, walk to her desk or just take the stairs today, even though youre tired回答 3 Moreover, these people may be friends or strangers — people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you回答 4 People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere — and of what sounds rude or unfriendly!回答 选项:
How are your parents?()
Masters are()solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.
As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that()manners are important to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits!
The students in a certain physical education class are on either the basketball team or the tennis team, are on both these teams, or are not on either team. If 15 students are on the basketball team, 18 students are on the tennis team, 11 students are on both teams, and 14 students are not on either of these teams, how many students are in the class?
