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Passage 4  ● Read the text below about the importance of an internship.
  ● Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
  ● For each gap 9-14, mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.
  ● Do not use any letter more than once.
  ● There is an example at the beginning (0).
IS an internship really all that important?  In years past, it was more common for college students to take summer jobs at local retail outlets or restaurants just to earn money, said John A Challenger, chief executive of Challenger Gray & Christmas. It can be extremely important as a way to determine which industries, companies and types of work are best for you, and as a way to secure future references and job offers.
  Once starting an internship, make the most of it. Above all, be realistic. Some people approach internships with a sense of entitlement, said Mark Oldman, founder of Vault, a career Web site, and the author of several books on internships. He added, ‘it’s hard to go from a campus hot stuff to a corporate layman, and it’s ridiculous when some interns want to come in and change everything,’ (9)______
  If you feel clueless, use that to your advantage. (10)______, interns generally have more freedom than the average employee to pass across departments and hierarchies in search of help. They can gain valuable knowledge and mentors, because most people enjoy sharing their experience with a younger generation.
  In general, Mr.Oidman said, ‘It’s important for an intern to quickly decode the culture of the company and not step outside that.’ That extends to the way you dress, Mr. Challenger said. ‘A lot of times when you’re younger you want to show how unique you are rather than identify with others,’ he said. (11)______.
  In the opinion of Mr. OIdman, internships are an ideal way for employers to find out whether a new worker is suitable for a particular job. (12)______. Therefore, as an intern, when you are asked to perform tasks that are boring and unimportant, you shouldn’t feel wronged by that you should be willing to do such work because that shows you are a hard worker, said Mr.Oldman. (13)______. ‘Look for work, but do it gently or indirectly, and not too assertively,’ Mr. Oldman added, ‘do what’s asked of you optimally and then offer your services for additional projects.’
  Last but not least, there’s something you can do to improve the chances that your internship will lead a job offer. Before you leave, ‘build a budge to the future,’ Mr. Oldman said. Go over what you learned with your managers, and tell them how much you appreciated the opportunity to work with them. (14)______. That way, even if your internship does not lead to a job at that company, it will help clear a path to your eventual employer.
HWOCRTEMP_ROC50  A. They enable employers to see who works hard, who gets along with everybody, who seems to fit into their culture.
  B. And ask whether your managers would be willing to write a letter of recommendation before you leave.
  C. It is much more appropriate to approach the internship with a learning attitude, as suggested by Mr. Oldman.
  D. Many interns don’t attach sufficient importance to this
  E. At the same time, be on the lookout for projects that will let you make good use of more advanced skills.
  F. The power of curious interns can’t be overestimated.
  G. In the workplace, however, you tend to be judged by your willingness to fit into the group’s norms.
  H But now an internship is seen as a vital first career step, he said.

2022-05-13 02:08

9.C “Mr.Oldman的建议是:实习生们抱着学习的态度来进行实习工作是恰当的做法。”本段讲述的主要内容是Mark Oldman关于实习工作所持有的观点。空格前面句子指出某些实习生的错误做法和想法,因此可以预期在空格处所要填的内容就是他认同的正确做法,而选项C正好与之相符,所以答案选C。
10.F “充满好奇的实习生是不能被低估的。”根据空格所在上下文的语言,注意它们之间的逻辑关系。本段的第一句话正好是本段的主旨句,其句意是“也许你在实习时会感到无从下手,此时你应该化劣势转为优势。” 此外,空格后面的句子则具体讲述实习生所拥有的特权。所以,可以推断选项F符合上下文的逻辑关系,充当主旨句与细节论据之间的过渡句。
11.G “但是,在工作场所,人们评判你的标准往往是看你是否愿意融入集体。”本空格位于本段的末尾,因此要在前面的语句中寻找答题的线索。本段第一句提到“It’s important for an intern to quickly decode the culture of the company and not step outside that.” 与选项G中的“fit into the group’s norms”的含义相符。而且,空格前一句指出了专家们并不赞同当前一些年轻实习人员的观念和做法,即他们为了彰显个性而标新立异,而题干G正好符合上下文的逻辑。
12.A “他们能够让雇主了解谁在努力工作,谁能与人相处融洽,谁能很好地融入到企业文化。”空格前一句话是本题解题的关键,原句是“In the opinion of Mr.Oldman,internships are an ideal way for employers to find out whether a new worker is suitable for a particular job.”,而选项A中的they指代的的内容就是internships,而且核心词employers也出现在A项中,因此可以判断恰当的选择为A。
13.E “同时,你要时刻注意那些能让你充分使用更多高级技能的工作。”空格前后语句的内在联系是本题解题的关键。选项E中的“projects that will let you make good use of more advanced skills”与空格l2和13之间的两个句子中的“tasks that are boring and unimportant”在逻辑上的形成对比关系。而且选项E的“be on the lookout for…”与空格后面的“Look for work…”对应,所以E为最佳答案。
14.B “在离开实习单位之前,询问经理是否愿意给你写一封推荐信。”首先空格的前面两句中提到了“before you leave”和“managers”,这些词重复出现在选项B中。 “And ask whether your manager would…before you leave.”这几个句子先后讲述了作实习生在离开实习单位之前应该做的一些事情。而且,空格后面的句子提到“That way,…it will help clear a path to your eventual employer.”,其中的“that way”指的就是选项B中“a letter of recommendation”,所以B项为正确答案,与上下文的逻辑关系符合。


大学英语等级考试是一种( )测验。
某校500名学生英语四级考试成绩资料中,( )。
某学生在某次期中考试中,估计自己的英语考试成绩为80分,但其实际成绩为85分。于是,他将期末考试中英语考试的理想成绩定为90分。根据阿尔德弗尔的ERG理论,这反映了该学生的( )。
某学生在某次期中考试中,估计自己的英语考试成绩为80分,但其实际成绩为85分。于是,他将期末考试中英语考试的理想成绩定为90分。根据阿尔德弗尔的ERG理论,这反映了该学生的(  )。

Sometimes buyers only purchase some        , tangible or intangible.

You can have eggs      or hard-boiled.

Goods are carried by several        of transport--on road or rail, by sea or air.

Prices may change quickly if supply or demand         .

某年初中入学考试时语文、数学、英语的计分比例为4:3:3,一个学生的考试成绩语文为72分,数学为94分,英语为79分,那么该生(假设各科难度相近)总平均分数为( )
:不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是_________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试_________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得_________了。 填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得________了。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
