首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The expression “puss的答案
The word “indictment” (Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to
The word “colonies”(Line 2, Para. 4)refers to ________.
The word “primitive” (Line 1, Para. 3) means ________.
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cushions” (Line 1, Para.2)?
According to the passage, whats the meaning of“stop” (Line 3 , Para 2 )
According to the passage, whats the meaning of“hidden” (Line 2 , Para 3)
The word "up-tempo music"(para 3 the last line but two) probably means ______ [
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cushions” (Line 1, Para2) ( )
The word “provincial”(Line 2, Para 3)most probably means “________”
The phrase “puts it down to”(Line 1, Para 3)is closest in meaning to “________”
The“executivetrainees”(Line 3,Para.1)areprobably those who are__________.
The word“offset” Line 3,Para.4.means________.
The word “tallied” (Line 3, Para. 2) probably means ______.
The word “they” in Line 5,Para. 2 refers to_.
The word “reach” (Line 2, Para. 2) probably means ________.
The word "accentuate" (Line 5, Para.3) most probably means "______".
The word“they”in Line 4,Para. 2 refers to______.
The expression “to debase humankind” in Para. 3 could be explained as______.
Judging from the context, the phrase "wreaking havoc" ( Line 2, Para.2) most probably means( )
Judging from the context, the phrase "a rocky patch" (Line 1, Para.6) most probably means( )
