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It can be inferred that Charles Francis Adams ,Jr.

2022-07-12 00:51
A、[A] devoted his later years to classical education.
B、[B] was an advocate of education in history.
C、[C] was an opponent to classical education.
D、[D] regretted diminishing the importance of the distinction.


59.C【精析】该题为细节加推理题。根据第三段第四句“…Charles Francis Adams,Jr,...devoted his later years to writing history...” 我们知道,小查尔斯·弗兰西斯·亚当斯在晚年致力于历史写作,故A项错误;根据第三段第四句“...Charles Francis Adams, Jr., the Union Pacific Railroad president who devoted his later years to writing history...”我们知道,小查尔斯·弗兰西斯·亚当斯是太平洋铁路联盟的主席,在晚年时期致力于历史写作,由此我们可以推断出他之所以谈论到教育问题,只是将其作为其历史写作的一部分,这并不能说明他是历史上的教育倡导者,故不选择B 项;根据第三段第四句中…They felt,’said regretfully Charles Francis Adams, Jr.,…‘that a classical education was the important distinction between a man who had been to college and a man who had not been to college, and that anything that diminished the impor- tance of this distinction was essentially revolutionary and tended to anarchy.”’我们知道,小查尔斯·弗兰西斯·亚当斯遗憾地说道: “他们认为古典教育是区别一个人有没有受过大学教育的重要标准,而且还认为对这个标准的抹杀从根本上来说都是在制造革命,并且很可能陷入混乱。”因此,我们可以判断出小查尔斯·弗兰西斯·亚当斯对古典教育持反对观点,故选择C项;根据C项的分析,我们知道小查尔斯·弗兰西斯·亚当斯对上世纪大学教授认为古典教育是区别一个人有没有受过大学教育的重要标准的观点表示遗憾,而非对区别标准的抹杀表示遗憾,故D项错误。
