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Passage 2  Is there something as truth? For good many centuries “the search for truth” has been  1 _ the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such  2 conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made.  3 , there are many people who feel that we are actually going backward  4 our knowledge. They  5 , often contemptuously, that we have more “knowledge” than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have  6 the truth that we once possessed.  If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises  7 the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tall and maybe an eagle’s wings for good  8 . There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal  9 -but there is no  10   evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least  11 that the seekers after “truth” have made a similar mistake and invented a(n)  12 combination.  It is  13 to consider that the noun truth comes from the adjective true, and that the Latin world for truth, verities, also comes form an adjective, versus. In both languages the notion of true -accurate,  14 to facts-seems to have developed before the notion of truth. We cannot definitely prove this,  15 even older words meaning “truth” may have been forgotten, but it seems  16 . If you want to find out whether a man has told the truth, you  17 his words with facts. If they  18 , you decide that his statement was true. You may then say either that his words were true or that he spoke the truth-but you cannot simply  19 words to find out whether there is something called truth in them. Your second statement is merely a grammatical  20 of the first.1. A. regarded    B. considered   C. pondered   D. referred2. A. illegal    B. identical   C. different   D. profound3. A. However    B. Nevertheless  C. In fact    D. In contrast4. A. to abandon   B. to derive   C. to enrich   D. to accumulate5. A. confess    B. realize    C. admit     D. reveal6. A. found     B. missed     C. lost     D. enriched7. A. while     B. that      C. when     D. whether8. A. measure    B. luck      C. reason    D. sense9. A. endures    B. exists     C. prevails   D. emerges10. A. appropriate  B. unique     C. reliable   D. dependent11. A. informative  B. thoughtful   C. considerable D. conceivable12. A. unbelievable B. imaginary   C. impressive  D. idealized13. A. enlightening B. delighting   C. refreshing  D. distressing14. A. conforming  B. complying   C. matching   D. resembling15. A. although   B. since     C. if      D. therefore16. A. reasonable  B. inevitable   C. incredible  D. distinguish17. A. Separate   B. discern    C. compare    D. distinguish18. A. suit     B. fit      C. vary     D. identify19. A. survey    B. audit     C. examine    D. investigate20. A. distinction  B. deformation  C. specification D. variation

2022-09-22 14:30

1.B  consider sth. 认为某物如何。因而被动语态为sth. be considered…。ponder沉思,考虑。refer提到,涉及,咨询。
2.C  that之后提到it often seems that very little progress has been made“似乎没有什么进步”,因此profound“深刻的,意义深远的”可首先排除。illegal“违法的,不合规定的”不符合该处语境。identical“同一的”不符合逻辑关系。答案是different,意为“人们的结论是如此不同,往往看起来几乎没有取得什么进步。”
3.C  前面提到“看起来几乎没有取得什么进步”,这里是“有些人觉得我们在后退”,前后句并没有转折或对比,选项A、B、D排除。答案是C项,表示本句是对上一句的细节发展。
4.D  由下文的that we have more “knowledge”可以推断此处是“积累、积聚”的意思,D项正确。abandon“放弃,遗弃”。enrich“使充实,使富足”。derive“得自,起源”。
5.C  前文提到很多人觉得我们又退后到开始积累知识,that从句的意思是:我们比我们的祖先有更多的知识。故空白处应是一个表示“认同”的词。结合选项:confess“承认,坦白”,往往用于承认错误、罪行。realize“认识到”,与often contemptuously“往往是轻蔑地”不符。reveal“展现,揭露”不符合语境。答案是admit,意为“承认”。
6.C  even说明此处是在前一句基础上的递进说明,前一句提到我们比以往任何时候都原理真理,故lost“丢失”最能说明程度的加深。句意:甚至丧失了我们曾经拥有的真理。
7.D  从句意上可以看出这个从句是question的同位语,与question“问题”对应的应是whether“是否”。
8.A  for good measure为固定用法,表示“作为额外增添”。
9.B  本段都是为了说明首句,当人们长期寻找某样事物而不得的时候,就会怀疑它是否存在。本句中“没有证据证明所有的部分都出现在这一组合中”即对应首句的“找不到的事物”,but表明破折号前后是对比转折关系,故此处应是表示“这种动物的每一部分都存在”,exists符合句意。
10.C  常用于修饰evidence“证据”的是reliable“可靠的”。appropriate“适当的”。unique“独特的”。dependent“依靠的”。
11.D  conceivable“可能的,想得到的”,此处表示:至少可以想象那些寻求真理的人犯了一个相似的错误。informative“情报的,见闻广博的”。thoughtful“深思的,体贴的”。considerable“相当大的;值得考虑的”。
12.B  这里是将动物的例子与那些寻找真理的人进行对照,二者在某种程度上是一样的。选项中能用于修饰这种“不切实际”的组合的是imaginary“想象的,虚构的”。 unbelievable“难以置信的,不可信的”。impressive“给人深刻印象的,感人的”。idealized“理想化的”。
13.A  句子真正主语是to consider that the noun truth comes from the adjective true“认为名词‘真理’来源于形容词‘真的’”,enlightening“有启发作用的”,符合该处语境。delighting“令人高兴的”。refreshing“提神的,使清爽的”。distressing“悲伤的,使痛苦的”。
14.A  这里是对true的概念进行解释,即accurate“精确的”,需填词与to facts连用应表示相似意思。conform to“符合”,符合该处语境,conform to facts“与事实一致”。comply with“顺从,遵守”。match“相配,匹配”。resemble“象,类似”。
15.B  主句“我们不能明确证明”,从句“甚至是更古老的表示‘真理’的词也可能被忘记了”,主从句是因果关系,后句是对前句的原因说明,故选since。
16.A  前面提到我们不能明确证明,but提示句意转折,则该处应是表示:尽管可靠性仍值得怀疑,但它却是有合理之处。reasonable“合理的,公道的,通情达理的”,符合句意。inevitable“不可避免的,必然的”。incredible“令人难以置信的”。feasible“可行的”。
17.C  compare与with搭配表示“将…与…比较”。separate“分开,隔离”。discern“识别,领悟;认识”。distinguish“区别,辨别”。
18.B  you decide that his statement was true“你判断他的话是真的”,也就是事实和他的话相符,fit“与…相符”,符合句意。suit“合适,使适应”。vary“改变,变更”。identify“识别,鉴别”。
19.C  examine“检查”,这里指“检查他的话看看是否有真理在里面”。survey“调查;测量,勘定”。audit“审计;查账”。investigate“调查,研究”。
20.D  variation“变化,变异”。前边提到,将他的言行对比,看他的话是否是真的(true)。但不能单从他的话来看是否真实(truth)。因为第二个说法“是否真实”(whether there is something called truth in them)只不过是第一个的语法变化而已。


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