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2022-09-30 13:38



Passage 1  Many visitors (1)______ Britain are not fond of English food. They are often heard (2)______ ,"English food is not good, English cooking is (3)______" But they do not really know what they are talking about because they (4)______ get a chance to eat it. (5)______ of the restaurants in large towns have foreign (6)______ and serve foreign food. When visitors are (7)______ to eat in an English home, the hosts often feel they must offer them something (8)______. Those of us (9)______ do know English food understand that at its best it (10)______ be really very good. (11)______, it is true to say that it is (12)______ terrible. Part of the (13)______ is that we are not really interested in food — we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not (14)______ the necessary time cooking truly good meals. We like food that is simple and (15)______ to cook, or already prepared food which only needs heating up (16)______ eating.  You can find the best English food in the country (17)______ the large towns, (18)______ life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. (19)______, of course, most visitors who come to London do not come because (20)______ food.1. A. in         B. at        C. to         D. of2. A. saying       B. asking      C. telling      D. talking3. A. wonderful     B. nice       C. terrible      D. special4. A. always       B. never       C. seldom       D. often5. A. Many        B. Most       C. All        D. None6. A. visitors      B. owners      C. waiters      D. guests7. A. invited      B. made       C. offered       D. asked8. A. different      B. usual       C. foreign      D. delicious9. A. whom        B. who        C. whose       D. which10. A. should       B. must       C. may        D. can11. A. At the same time B. On the other hand C. For example     D. In another word12. A. some time     B. sometime     C. sometimes     D. some times13. A. problem      B. question     C. answer       D. time14. A. take        B. waste       C. spend        D. have15. A. hard        B. hardly      C. easy        D. easily16. A. when        B. before      C. after       D. while17. A. near        B. inside      C. around       D. away from18. A. when        B. where       C. which       D. that19. A. But        B. And        C. So         D. If20. A. on        B. in         C. of         D. to
  Insurance is a financial arrangement that (0)______ the cost of unexpected losses. It is a plan for (21)______ losses with others. A loss in a particular situation is unexpected, but for a group of people (or pieces of property), losses can be predicted more accurately. If an insurance system is to function (22)______ able to predict losses is a basic necessity. An insurance program does not do away with losses. Rather, it redistributes their costs by collecting payments from all participants in the group. When many people (or businesses) are (23)______ to a specific kind of risk, their total losses are predictable and can be spread throughout the group. Everyone pays a small amount of the cost (premium). As a result, no one (24)______ a large share of loss. From a legal (25)______ of view, insurance is based on a contract. An insurance contract is a written agreement (26)______ one party agrees to pay another party for losses. The terms of an insurance contract are listed in the policy. The party agreeing to pay for the losses is the (27)______ and the one who will receive (28)______ for the loss. The payment made by the insured is called a (29)______ By means of a policy contract, you (30)______ the risk of loss to the insurer, and the cost of the loss is shared with others.
  Example: HWOCRTEMP_ROC800
  0. A. redistributes    B. enjoys     C. claims       D. treats
  21. A. sharing       B. spreading    C. suffering      D. sustaining
  22. A. not         B. so        C. quite        D. being
  23. A. exposing      B. exposed     C. brought       D. taken
  24. A. enjoys       B. offsets     C. shares        D. sustains
  25. A. respect       B. phase      C. point        D. aspect
  26. A. hereby       B. whereby     C. whereof       D. hereafter
  27. A. guarantor      B. guarantee    C. insured       D. insurer
  28. A. compensation    B. bonus      C. proceeds      D. dividend
  29. A. interest      B. premium     C. compensation    D. cost
  30. A. undertake      B. expose     C. transfer      D. transcend
Passage 4Questions l9—33
  ● Read the article below about educational background of successful managers.
  ● Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.
  ● For each question l 9—33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
  ● There is an example at the beginning.
Educational Background of Successful Managers  Psychologist Douglas Bray and Ann Howard have for more than 25 years been studying college graduates in entry-level management (0)______. for AT&T. Here are some of their findings.
  Master’s degree can be (19)______. Howard says of Master’s degree holders, “They bring US greater (20)______. and interpersonal skills and more motivation for (21)______. and money, but they are not any smarter.” This applied equally to (22) ______. of an MA, MS, and MBA.
  There are key (23)______ between technical and non-technical majors. Business majors led the pack in organizing, planning, and decision-making skills. (24) ______. and social science graduates also (25)______. high. Math, science, and engineering majors scored much lower in these skills. Technical majors did have (26)______. general mental ability, but they were not as(27) ______. or as good at interpersonal skills. As you might expect, social science majors were quite low on (28)______. skills. Business majors were the ones most eager to get ahead.
  For the future managers, AT&T is still looking for about a third each of business, technical, and liberal arts majors. While they are still looking for master’s degrees, some firms say that the (29)______. of the MBA has passed. Many companies (30)______the same management training programs for their new people, whether or not they have a master’s degree.
  (31)______. the success/failure studies of managers, educational background is probably less important than (32)______. skill that people develop. As one president of a large company puts it, “We’re really looking for a particular kind of (33)______rather than a particular degree.”
HWOCRTEMP_ROC70  19. A. useful       B. helpful     C. successful     D. beneficial
  20. A. administrative   B. cooperative   C. administration   D. cooperation
  21. A. ranks        B. social level   C. status       D. honor
  22. A. owner        B. winner      C. possessor     D. holder
  23. A. difference     B. differences   C. difficult     D. difficulty
  24. A. Humanities     B. Humanity     C. Human       D. Human subject
  25. A. score        B. scored      C. get        D. gained
  26. A. high        B. tow       C. lower       D. higher
  27. A. create       B. creative     C. imaginative    D. imagination
  28. A. quantitative    B. quantity     C. quality      D. qualitive
  29. A. times        B. years      C. era         D. epoch
  30. A. supply       B. offer      C. provide      D. award
  31. A. Regardless of    B. Even if     C. Even though    D. Though
  32. A. practical      B. actual      C. factual      D. real
  33. A. person       B. personnel    C. human being    D. persons
Passage 4  One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered. Suddenly I (1)______ that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, (2)______ he knew me. The man had a newspaper (3)______ in front of him, which he was (4)______ to read, but I could (5)______ that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my (6)______ , the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the (7)______ way in which the waiter and I (8)______ each other. He seemed even more puzzled as (9)______ went on and it became (10)______ that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the (11)______ When he came out; he paid his bill and (12)______ without another glance in my direction.  I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had (13)______ “Well,” he said, “that man was a detective (侦探). He (14)______ you here because he thought you were the man he (15)______ What?” I said, showing my (16)______. The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I (17)______ say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a (18)______ . Well, it’s really (19)______  “I came to a restaurant where I’m known, ”I said.“ (20)______, I might have been in trouble. ”1. A. knew      B. understood      C. noticed     D. recognized2. A. since      B. even if       C. though      D. as if3. A. flat      B. open         C. cut       D. fixed4. A. hoping     B. thinking       C. pretending    D. continuing5. A. see       B. find         C. guess      D. learn6. A. menu      B. bill         C. paper      D. food7. A. direct     B. familiar       C. strange     D. funny8. A. chatted with  B. looked at      C. laughed at    D. talked about9. A. the waiter   B. time         C. I        D. the dinner10. A. true      B. hopeful       C. clear      D. possible11. A. restaurant   B. washroom       C. office      D. kitchen12. A. left      B. acted        C. sat down     D. calmed down13. A. wanted     B. tried        C. ordered     D. wished14. A. met      B. caught        C. followed     D. discovered15. A. was to beat  B. was dealing with   C. was to meet   D. was looking for16. A. care      B. surprise       C. worry      D. regret17. A. must      B. can         C. need       D. may18. A. discovery   B. mistake       C. decision     D. fortune19. A. a pity     B. natural       C. a chance     D. lucky20. A. Thus      B. However       C. Otherwise    D. Therefore
班主任的经常性工作之一是设计并开展____。 A.小组活动 C.少先队活动 C.班级教育活动 D.课外活动
杠杆 一、填空题 1. 一根硬棒,在 ___________ 下能绕着 ___________ 转动,这根硬棒就是杠杆.支点是 ___________ ;动力是 ___________ ;阻力是 ___________ ;阻力臂是 ___________ .在日常生活中属于杠杆的有 ______ 、 ______ 、 ______ 等. 2. 杠杆的平衡条件是 ______ ,如果杠杆的动力臂是阻力臂的5倍,当杠杆平衡时,动力是阻力的 ______ 倍. 3. 如果作用在杠杆上的动力是80N,动力臂是40cm,阻力臂是10cm,杠杆平衡时,阻力是 ______ . 4. 条扁担长1.5m,前端挂200N重的货物,后端挂300N重的货物,肩膀应离扁担的前端 ______ m才能使其刚好平衡. 5. 杆静止不动时的状态叫做杠杆的 ______ .在做“研究杠杆平衡条件”实验时,把杠杆挂在支架上以后,首先要调节 ______ 使杠杆处在 ______ 位置并保持平衡. 6. 果使用撬棒的动力臂是100cm,阻力臂是30cm,当用60N的动力时,能撬动重 ______ N的物体. 8. 果作用在杠杆上的动力是100N,动力臂与阻力臂之比是5∶1,那么杠杆平衡时,阻力是 ______ N. A O B C 9. 杠杆匀速提起重物,动力等于重力的四分之三,动力臂与阻力臂之比是 ______ . 10. 质杠杆(AO=OB=BC)上挂着150N的重物,为使杠杆水平 平衡,可采取的方法有:(1)在A点沿 ______ 方 向加150N的力;(2)在 ______ 点沿竖直向上方向加150N 的力;(3)在 ______ 点所加的力为最小,此力的大小是 ______ N,方向是 ______ 。 11 用一根木棒撬大石头,没有撬动,为了撬动大石头,应将垫在木棒下的小石块向 ______ 移动,这实质上是增大了 ______ ,同时又减小了 ______ . 12. 商贩把标准秤砣换成质量较小的秤砣,则称出物品的质量比真实质量偏 ______ 二、判断题 Name : 1 支点到动力作用点的距离就是动力臂. ______ 2 天平是利用杠杆的平衡条件来称出物体质量的. ______ 3 一般杆秤有两个提纽,使用它称较重的物体时,常用离秤钩较近的提纽 ______ . 4 支点总是在动力作用点与阻力作用点之间. ______ 5 动力臂和阻力臂不一定都在杠杆本身上. ______ 三、选择题 1. 用剪刀剪东西时,如果用剪刀的尖部去剪就不易剪断,而改用剪刀中部去剪就容易些,这是因为 ______ A. 增大了动力 B.减小了阻力 C.减小了阻力臂 D.增大了动力臂 4 如图所示,开瓶盖的起子可以看作是一个杠杆,在图中能正确表示开瓶盖时,杠杆的支点、动力和阻力的是( ______ ) 3. 如图所示,杠杆AOB可以绕O点转动,现在它的B点挂一重物G,为了使它静止,可以在5点施加不同方向的力,图中四个方向的力中,力臂最大的是( ______ ) A 、F1 B、F2 C、F3 D、F4 7. 一重物G,那么( ______ ) A、在B点用力使杠杆在图示位置平衡,一定是省力的 B、在C点用力不可能使杠杆在图示位置平衡 C、在B点用力使杠杆在图示位置平衡,沿竖直方向最省力 D、在D点悬挂一个与G完全相同的物体能使杠杆在图示位置平衡。 8 如图所示,手持弹簧测力计竖直向上拉,使杠杆处于水平平衡状态,弹簧测力计的示数是5N,OA=80cm,AB=20cm,则物体的重是( ______ ) A、20N B、4N C、1.25ND、条件不足,无法判断 10 把刻度准确的杆秤,若水果商贩将标准秤砣换成较轻的秤砣卖给小芳1kg水果,则水果实际质量( ______ ) A. 大于1kg B.小于1kg C. 等于1kgD. 可能大于1kg,也可能小于1kg 11. 关于杠杆的几种说法中不正确的是( ______ ) A. 杠杆可以是直的,也可以是弯的 B.杠杆的支点一定在杠杆上 C. 支点可以在杠杆上的任何位置 D.动力臂与阻力臂之和一定等于杠杆长度 13. 平衡状态的杠杆上再加一力,杠杆仍处于原平衡状态,则( ______ ) A. 这力通过支点 B.这力在阻力一侧 C. 这力在动力一侧 D.题设条件不可能存在 16. 小孩坐在跷跷板上,恰好处于平衡,此时 ______ A. 两个小孩重力一定相等 B.两个小孩到支点的距离一定相等 C. 两个小孩质量一定相等 D.两边的力臂与小孩重力的乘积相等 17. 杠杆已经处于平衡状态,如果在这个杠杆上再施加一个作用力,则 ______ A. 杠杆仍有可能平衡,只要这个力加在动力一边 B. 杠杆仍有可能平衡,只要这个力加在阻力一边 C. 杠杆仍有可能平衡,只要这个力的作用线通过支点 D. 杠杆不可能平衡,因为多了一个力 18.12 —8所示要使杠杆平衡,作用在 A 点上的力分别为 F 1 、 F 2 、 F 3 ,其中最小的力是 ______ A. 沿竖直方向的力F1最小 B.沿垂直杠杆方向的力F2最小 C. 沿水平方向的力F3最小 D.无论什么方向用力一样大 19 如图12—9所示,把一根均匀的米尺,在中点 O 支起,两端各挂四个钩码和两个钩码,恰好使米尺平衡,按下列方式增减钩码或移动钩码,下列几种方式仍能保持米尺平衡的是 ______ A. 两边各加一个钩码 B. 两边钩码各向外移动一格 C. 左边增加一个钩码,右边向外移动一格 D. 左右两边的钩码各减少一个 20 图12—10所示,一直杆可绕 O 点转动,杠杆下端挂一重物,为了提高重物,用一个始终跟杠杆垂直的力使杠杆由竖直位置慢慢转到水平位置,在这个过程中直杆 ______ A. 始终是省力杠杆 B.始终是费力杠杆 C. 先是省力的,后是费力的 D.先是费力的,后是省力的 四、作图题 1. 图12—11的两个图中,画出各力的力臂. 3. 使杠杆在图示位置能静止,请在A点施加一力,并且要求此力的力臂最长 杠杆复习打印.docx
从供选择的答案中选出同下列叙述关系密切的答案。(1)支持多道程序设计,算法简单,但存储器碎片多_____(2)能消除碎片,但用于存储器拼接处理的时间长_____(3)克服了碎片多和拼接处理时间长的缺点,支持多道程序设计,但不支持虚拟存储_____(4)支持虚拟存储,但不能以自然的方式提供存储器的共享和存取保护机制_____A.段页式 B.分页式 C.请求分页式 D.可变分区 E.固定分区 F.单一连续分配
1.我国标准实心黏土砖的规格是___。 A.60x115x240 B.53x115x240 C.53x120x240 D.60x120x240 2.一般需要较大房间如办公楼、教学楼等公共建筑多采用以下哪种墙体结构布置___。 A.横墙承重 B.纵墙承重 C.混合承重 D.部分框架结构 3.墙体的稳定性与墙的 有关。 A..高度、长度和宽度 B.高度、强度 C.平面尺寸、高度 D.材料强度、砂浆标号 4.建筑物的构造组成由____部分组成。 A.六大部分 B.五大部分 C.七大部分 D.四大部分 5.墙是建筑物的____构件。 A.承重构件 B.承重和维护构件 C.围护构件 D.保温和隔热构件 6.防火墙的最大间距应根据建筑物的____而定。 A.材料 B.耐火性质 C.防火要求 D.耐火等级 7.耐火等级为一、二级的建筑,其防火墙的最大间距为____。 A.200m B.150m C.75m D.50m 8.对有保温要求的墙体,需提高其构件的____。 A.热阻 B.厚度 C.密实性 D.材料导热系数 9.钢筋混凝土圈梁的最小截面为____。 A.240mm×120mm B.240mm×180mm C.180mm×120mm D.180mm×180mm 10.湿陷性黄土层地区,散水宽度一般不小于____。 A.800mm B.1000mm C.1200mm D.1500mm 11.基础的埋深一般不应小于____,否则易受外界影响而损伤。 A.200mm B.300mm C.500mm D.1000mm 12.当建筑物为高层时,基础埋深不应小于建筑物高度的____为宜。 A.1/12 B.1/10 C.1/8 D.1/5 13.当地下水位较高时,宜将基础底面埋置在最低地下水位以下____mm。 A.100mm B.150mm C.200mm D.300mm 14.当地基持力层比较软弱或部分地基有一定厚度的软弱土层时,我们常采用哪种方法来加固地基____。 A.压实法 B.换土法 C.打桩法 D.机械压实法 15.由于地基土可能出现冻胀现象,基础底面应埋置在冰土线以下____。 A.100mm B.200mm C.400mm D.300mm 16.基础按受力特点可分为____。 A.独立基础 B.刚性基础 C.条形基础 D.柔性基础 17.三级人防指____。 A.省、直辖市一级的人防工程 B.县、区一级及重要的通讯枢纽一级的人防工程 C.医院、救护站以及重要的工业企业的人防工程 D.普通建筑物下面的掩蔽工事 18.人防地下室的净空高度不应小于____。 A.2.0m B.2.1m C.2.2m D.2.3m 19.地下水外防水构造的防水卷材数由地下水位高出地下室地坪高度H确定,当6m


在SQL Server的以下数据类型中,最适合表示一个人的体重(公斤,保留一位小数)的是________。
The main idea of the story is that _________. A. what dream is B. people like to sleep C. dreams are live films D. we always remember dreams.
色彩模型中的三基色原理是指利用 (____) 、 (____) 和 (____)三种色光混合,可以产生各种色彩。
色彩三要素:(____) 、 (____) 和 (____) 。
设置网页在黑色背景下显示白色文字,应使用___ 语句。
指出实验室下列颜色的钢瓶在中盛放何种气体:天蓝色:___,黑色:___,红色: ___。
从供选择的答案中选出同下列叙述关系密切的答案。(1)支持多道程序设计,算法简单,但存储器碎片多_____(2)能消除碎片,但用于存储器拼接处理的时间长_____(3)克服了碎片多和拼接处理时间长的缺点,支持多道程序设计,但不支持虚拟存储_____(4)支持虚拟存储,但不能以自然的方式提供存储器的共享和存取保护机制_____A.段页式 B.分页式 C.请求分页式 D.可变分区 E.固定分区 F.单一连续分配
  Traditional methods of banking are under (0)______from a new type of account which is actually meant to be almost perpetually in debit. This account, to be(21)______ in a few months’ time, is intended to (22)______ a range of personal banking services, such as current accounts, mortgages, personal loans and credit cards. Customers, who must (23)______ that they are at least five years from retirement, will be required to (24)______ a mortgage of at least £50000 on their homes and have their salaries paid directly into the account. They will then have all agreed credit (25)______ of up to three times their annual salary to use as they wish—as well as the usual (26)______ such as debit, credit and cash cards and a cheque book. Accounts in debit will be charged interest at a rate of 8.2 per cent. This (27)______ favourably with standard mortgage rate of 8.45 per cent, personal loan rates of around l3 per cent and credit card (28)______ of about 22 per cent. When the debt is cleared—as it must be by the time the customer retires—and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5 per cent. Some experts say that it will revolutionise personal banking in the UK. But the (29)______ has been dismissed as a gimmick by rival banks and criticized by consumer groups, which are voicing fears that many customers on average incomes could be (30)______into serious debt.
  Example: HWOCRTEMP_ROC20
  0. A threat     B. danger     C. opposition   D. competition
  21. A. embarked   B. launched    C. released    D. issued
  22. A. enclose    B. associate    C. combine     D. mix
  23. A. witness    B. prove      C. persuade    D. convince
  24. A. take off   B. take to     C. take out    D. take in
  25. A. limit     B. extent     C. control     D. barrier
  26. A. facilities  B. amenities    C. means      D. opportunities
  27. A. connects   B. compares    C. differs     D. relates
  28. A. expenses   B. bills      C. receipts    D. charges
  29. A. design    B. scheme     C. device     D. programme
  30. A. placed    B. fallen     C. descended    D. plunged
Passage 4  Hurtling as we are towards the new millennium, with all the social changes this iconic date implies, it is increasingly apparent (21)______ the world of business is experiencing fundamental shifts. Today, both companies and schools are increasingly aware that business is a human activity; it’s ultimately (22)______ and about people.  In future, employers will (23)______ doubt demand more rounded individuals to run their operations, which naturally creates a question for the next generation of students, “Is the classic MBA still the model—and obligatory—passage toward that ideal career?”  The Masters of Business Administration (MBA), the best-known business school label, is an introduction to general management. The traditional MBA, Harvard-style, has remained largely unaltered (24)______ the 1950s, and seeks to provide a thorough knowledge of business functions through the case study—a(n) (25)______ incidentally borrowed from law school.  The trouble is that the real world is not a theoretical exercise. The problems managers face today are messy, and, if anything, are becoming messier, neither fitting in neat functional boxes nor (26)______ one simple answer. Ambiguity is the hardest (27)______ to manage, but it’s the one most managers are wrestling with.  “Management is more art than science,” observes Richard D’Aveni, professor of strategic management at Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business Administration. “No one can say with certainty which decisions will bring the most (28)______, any more than they can create instructions over (29)______ to sculpt, a masterpiece. You just have to feel it as it goes.”  John Quelch is another business-school insider who detects the limitations of the traditional syllabus. According to Quelch, leadership is an area that b-schools have not fully addressed. It is notoriously hard to teach, (30)______ programs do have the capacity to provide a grounding in non-business areas and personal growth.  21. A. which       B. that        C. how      D. why  22. A. for        B. to         C. with     D. by  23. A. without      B. with        C. in      D. above  24. A. until       B. since       C. before    D. after  25. A. attribute     B. characteristic   C. feature    D. trait  26. A. offering      B. offered      C. offer     D. to offer  27. A. issue       B. question      C. problem    D. affair  28. A. benefit      B. profit       C. value     D. good  29. A. what       B. when        C. how      D. why  30. A. and        B. but        C. because    D. as
Passage 1  Do you know insurance (保险)? Buying insurance is a (1)______ by which people can protect themselves (2)______ large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay (3)______ sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only (4)______ will lose their homes by fire The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the sums of money it has (5)______ .  The first modem fire insurance company was (6)______ in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just (7)______ most of the cities, and people wanted protection against (8)______ losses. The first company (9)______ rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.  Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also (10)______ a new kind of insurance for (11)______. The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops (12)______ storms.  In 1775, Benjamin Franklin helped start (13)______ new insurance company in America. This company, (14)______ offered life insurance, collected some money (15)______ from many different men (16)______ a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is (17)______ in Business.  Over the years, people have (18)______ from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from (19)______ accidents as car and plane crashes.(20)______, almost everyone has some kinds of insurance.1. A. way       B. company     C. thought      D. means2. A. between     B. to        C. from       D. on3. A. small      B. large      C. little      D. few4. A. few       B. quite a few   C. a few       D. many5. A. fobbed      B. taken      C. collected     D. Borrowed6. A. organized    B. found      C. Built       D. formed7. A. injured     B. hurt       C. destroyed     D. harmed8. A. longer      B. farther     C. further      D. deeper9. A. grew       B. went       C. existed      D. 3 raised10. A. insisted    B. suggested    C. advised      D. wanted11. A. workers     B. salesmen     C. farmers      D. people12. A. By       B. from       C. for        D. with13. A. other      B. some       C. certain      D. another14. A. which      B. that       C. who        D. where15. A. regularly    B. often      C. usually      D. always16. A. Although    B. Until      C. If        D. Unless17. A. still      B. also       C. already      D. always18. A. heard      B. paid       C. Benefited     D. offered19. A. such      B. many       C. the        D. more20. A. Gradually    B. Today      C. Tomorrow     D. Lately
Passage 2  In sports the sexes are separate. (1)______ and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than men. That (2)______ is (3)______ people say. Women are (4)______ “the weaker sex”, or if men want to please them,“the fair sex”. But boys and girls are taught (5)______ schools and universities. There are women (6)______ are famous prime ministers, scientists and writers. And women live longer than men. (7)______ European woman can expect (8)______ until the age of 74; a man only until he is 68. Are women's bodies really weaker? The fastest men can run a mile in (9)______ 4 minutes. The best women need 5 minutes. Women's times are always slower than (10)______ , but some facts are a surprise. Some of the (11)______ women swimmers today are girls. One of them swam 400 meters (12)______ 4 minutes and 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first“Tartan” in films (13)______ an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. His fastest 400 meters was 4 minutes and 59.1 seconds, (14)______ is 37.9 seconds (15)______ than a girl 50 years (16)______! This does not mean that women are catching men (17)______. Conditions are very different now, and sport is much (18)______ serious. It is (19)______ serious that some women are given hormone injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check (20)______ the women are really women or not. It seems like that sport has many problems. Life can be very complicated when there are more than two separate sexes.1. A. Woman      B. Womans      C. Women     D. Females2. A. at least    B. at most     C. at less    D. at more3. A. that      B. which      C. what      D. who4. A. call      B. called      C. calls     D. to call5. A. in       B. to        C. on       D. at6. A. who       B. whom       C. what      D. that7. A. A        B. An        C. The      D. /8. A. live      B. to live     C. living     D. lived9. A. among      B. between     C. under     D. amount10. A. men      B. man       C. men’s     D. man’s11. A. fast      B. faster      C. fastest    D. fastly12. A. in       B. on        C. under     D. between13. A. were      B. is        C. was      D. are14. A. that      B. when       C. who      D. which15. A. slow      B. fast       C. slower     D. faster16. A. later     B. late       C. lately     D. latest17. A. on       B. at        C. up       D. in18. A. most      B. least      C. more      D. less19. A. such      B. so        C. very      D. many20. A. if       B. but       C. that      D. whether
  A balance sheet is not like a Profit and Loss account, which is a record of the (0)______ transacted in a year and the profits (or losses) produced as a result. A balance sheet can be (21)______ of as a photograph, a moment (22)______ time, (usually the last day of the company’s financial year), which shows exactly what the business owns. These may be buildings, cash, stocks or debts, i. e. amounts of money (23)______ to the business by customers.
  A balance sheet may change from one year to the next if, for example, a company sells one of its factories, if it (24)______ more money from its shareholders, if it repays some debt to the bank, or if it builds up its inventory of (25)______ goods.
  But whatever happens to the composition of the assets of the business, any overall change in asset (26)______ is reflected in the balance sheet. There is one further (27)______ to be made. Although the principle of a balance sheet is to have assets on one side and liabilities on the other, the fact is that—especially for public companies—shareholders want to be able to see what their (28)______ in the company is worth.
  So a tradition has (29)______ up which has meant that ‘Creditors’ is actually moved to the assets side as a negative amount. Structuring the balance sheet like this is simply a matter of (30)______ There is no commercial reason for presenting it in this way.
  Example: HWOCRTEMP_ROC140
  0. A. business    B. activity    C. work      D. commerce
  21. A. treated    B. thought     C. imagined    D. consider
  22. A. to      B. at       C. in       D. on
  23. A. owed     B. given      C. paid      D. borrowed
  24. A. earns     B. asks      C. requires    D. raises
  25. A. perfected   B. controlled   C. completed   D. finished
  26. A. rate     B. worth      C. quality    D. value
  27. A. fact     B. point      C. idea      D. view
  28. A. stake     B. part      C. ownership   D. slice
  29. A. arisen    B. come      C. grown     D. brought
  30. A. importance  B. force      C. emphasis    D. meaning
Passage 5Language learning for the busy executive
  If you’ve ever been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language you’ll know that (0)______ doesn’t come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another language well and constant (21)______, to maintain the high standards required for frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audiocassettes, computers or on your (22)______ sooner or (23)______, every language course finishes and you must decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career.
  Business Audio Magazines is a new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that fits easily into your busy schedule. Each audiocassette (24)______ of an hour-long programme packed with business news, features and interviews in the language of your choice. These cassettes won’t teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It is (25)______ that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the language as it’s really spoken, they help you to (26)______, your vocabulary and improve your ability to use real language relating to, for example, that all-important marketing trip.
  The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they (27)______ you to perfect your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other business course is as (28)______ and the unique radio-magazine format is as instructive as it is entertaining. In addition to the audiocassette, this package includes a transcript with a business glossary and a study (29)______ The components are structured so that intermediate and advanced students may use them separately or together, (30)______ on their ability.
HWOCRTEMP_ROC10  0. A. gain      B. result      C. success    D. outcome
  21. A. exercise   B. performance   C. practice   D. operation
  22. A. self     B. individual   C. personal   D. own
  23. A. after     B. then       C. later     D. quicker
  24. A. consists   B. includes    C. contains   D. involves
  25. A. insisted   B. acquired    C. asserted   D. assumed
  26. A. prolong   B. extend      C. spread    D. lift
  27. A. allow     B. let       C. support    D. offer
  28. A. adjustable  B. flexible    C. convertible  D. variable
  29. A. addition   B. supplement    C. extra     D. manuscript
  30. A. according  B. depending    C. relating   D. basing
