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【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated.The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment. The new 5th generation,5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020. The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages.Many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system.In addition to this,a number of universities have set up 5G research units focused on developing the technologies for 5G. In addition, the standards bodies,particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planing the 5G systems yet.Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner,they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system. The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements:super fast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs.Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted.As one commentator stated:5G is not just a mobile technology.It is ubiquitous access to high & low data rate services.】 Based on the paragraph above,at present,5G technology for cellular systems ( ), many of the technologies to be used for 5G ( ) in the systems used for 4G,the major issue facing with 5G technology is ( ).

2022-09-30 18:45
A、has matured
B、has setup its standards
C、is very much in the early development stages
D、is in use is being developed B.already appeared C.will not appear D.will start to appear super fast downloads B.small data requirements for IoT C.4G system has already satisfied these needs D.an enormously wide variation in the requirements



The(71)has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.
●The (75) has several major components,including the system kernel,a memory management system,the file system manager,device drivers,and the system libraries.
What’S the problem with the man’s place now? 
4G is one of those terms that keep coming back through marketing brochures for what the latest technologies happen to be in the cellphone market. Every carrier claims to have true 4G, and has been claiming that for years, regardless of what they actually use. The reason was simple because the real 4G specification, expected to be drafted by the International Telecommunication Union, was no where to be found. In fact, the ITU took way longer than being expected to come up with a decision, likely because of massive lobbying campaigns. After all, which company wants to have to redesign its entire network just to be able to keep saying they are 4G? Now however, they ITU has decided itself.What does this mean for carriers and users? First,let’s see what 4G really is. As expected, LTE is central to the ITU strategy,but more precisely,the organization went with LTE-Advanced,which is a stricter version of traditional LTE. To qualify as 4G,a network has to provide 100Mbps connections over wireless,and 1 Gbps over wired. The whole network has to be fully IPv6 compliant. Frequencies have to be variable over 40MHz to avoid interference. Finally, global roaming has to be seamless, along with transitions between wirless and wired connections. This is a real step forward, and a good decision, which ensures that real 4G services will meet a good level of services. Technically, LTE-Advanced is just one of two new standard that are now under the umbrella called IMT-Advanced. The other one is WiMAX 2 which is a further refinement of the WimMAX protocol. Based on the paragraph above,to qualify as 4G, a network has to satisfy () criteria. The transitions between wireless and wired connections have to be (). LTE-Advanced is a standard belonging to ().
With ducted air conditioning systems, the modern tendency is to use()
The manager was (entire) ____ unaware of the trouble with the heating system in the hotel until this week.
With the buttress securing system,containers of different heights must be stowed().
Under the IALA-A Buoyage System,a green spar buoy with a triangular topmark would indicate that the buoy().
All of these applications will enhance the(130)of life and spur economic growth. Over half of the U.S. work force is now in jobs that are information(131). The telecommunication and information sector of the U.S. economy now(132)for 12 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, growing much faster than any other sector of the economy. Last year the(133)in this sector exceeded 700 billion dollars. The U.S. exported over 48 billion dollars of telecommunication equipment(134).
How many morphemes does the wor d ”telecommunication” contain?
With (), the corrosion problems are much reduced in a central cooling system.
【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated.The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment. The new 5th generation,5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020. The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages.Many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system.In addition to this,a number of universities have set up 5G research units focused on developing the technologies for 5G. In addition, the standards bodies,particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planing the 5G systems yet.Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner,they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system. The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements:super fast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs.Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted.As one commentator stated:5G is not just a mobile technology.It is ubiquitous access to high & low data rate services.】 Based on the paragraph above,at present,5G technology for cellular systems ( ), many of the technologies to be used for 5G ( ) in the systems used for 4G,the major issue facing with 5G technology is ( ).
In theory, every person will have( )to an unlimited amount of information with the development of telecommunication satellites.
The earliest method of delivering telecommunications is the ______.
5The new system will be_____with existing equipment
A base operating system has just been installed, successfully rebooted, and the user is now logged in as root. The user wants the server software bundle installed, but has additional software that must be installed with the bundle. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the installation?()
A system administrator has added a new graphics card to the system and rebooted. The system pauses with C31 in the three-digit displays. Which of the following causes could be the reason for the hang?()
Your vessel is equipped with a fixed CO2 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?()
Your vessel is equipped with a fixed C02 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?().
describes how to interact with the information system to accomplish specific tasks.
How many morphemes does the word "telecommunication" contain?
A graphics card has been added to the system. After rebooting, the system hangs during the login process with a blue screen indicating "CDE please wait". Which of the following procedures should be performed next?()
Why are most break bulk vessels built with the transverse framing system rather than the longitudinal system? ()
The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.()
Some refrigeration systems have chemical moisture indicators installed in conjunction with the sight glass in the liquid lineIf excess moisture is present in the system, the indicator will ()
Personnel working with refrigeration systems, and subject to the exposure of refrigerants should wear ().
第一组An automatic system usually consists of a control system and an information system. A control system is a system which measures the condition of some entity and, with the information, governs the state of a variable; i.e., speed, temperature, pressure, position, etc. The open-loop system is the simplest form. a control system may assume. It is distinguished from the closed-loop system by the lack of an input which measures the state of the controlled variable; such an input is called a feedback. In modern ships the open-loop system has practically disappeared and the closed-loop system which operates with a feed-back is extensively used. An information system serves the parallel function of monitoring system or plant performance. The monitoring function may serve a number of purposes; specifically it may indicate values of controlled variables to guide remote control operations, warn of off-limit conditions and provide record of performance. In many cases a visual and audible alarm may be provided to warn of off-limit conditions on board ship and, associated with this, the important variables will be recorded on demand. The automatic control system can be more sophisticated by incorporating digital-processing equipment, that is, a computer. This computer is usually fed with signals from all sensors. It scans the values of the sensors and generates alarm signals for off-limit conditions, acting as a super-supervisor. Sometimes, it can even make necessary and take the necessary action to optimize performance without human intervention.The closed-loop system differs from the open-loop system by
The operating system has several major components,including the(64),a memory management system,the file system manager,device drivers,and the system libraries.
● The (71) has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.(71)
● The (72) has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.(72)
The(74)has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.
The(72)has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.
