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The student's first attempt at writing a play was a far __________ from the work of Shakespeare.

2021-07-17 23:13
A、 away
B、 way
C、 cry
D、 distance



Charles the First,king of Britain,was executed,because he attempted to overrule()in the English Revolution.
As a result of the First World War settlement the()was established in 1920.
Passage ThreePeople enjoy talking about "firsts." They like to remember their first love or their first car. But not all firstsare happy ones. Few people enjoy recalling the firsts that are bad.One of history's bad but important firsts was the first car accident. Autos were still young when it happened. The crash took place in New York City. The year was 1896. The month was May. A man from Massachusetts was visiting the city in his new car. At the time, bicycle riders were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one is sure who was at fault. In any case, the bike and the car collided. The man on the bike was injured. The driver of the car had to stay in jail and wait for the hospital report on the bicycle rider. Luckily, the rider was not killed.Three years later, another automobile first took place. The scene was again New York City, a real estate broker named Henry Bliss stepped off a streetcar. He was hit by a passing car. Once again, no one is sure just how it happened or whose fault it was. The driver of the car was put in jail. Poor Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident.44. In each accident the driver was ______.
There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ()(打扰我) that evening.
Directions: You have read an ad on the board in which an American student is looking for a Chinese student as a language partner. Write an email to him to apply for the post. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.
Jackie Robinson, the first Black American who was to play baseball in the majorleagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
Over the course of a year, a certain house appreciated in value by 10 percent while the house next door decreased in value by 10 percent as a result of foundation damage. At the end of the year, the reduced price of the second house was what percentage of the increased price of the first house?  (1) The amount by which the first house increased in value was half as much as the amount by which the second house decreased in value.  (2) At the end of the year, the second house was worth $70,000 more than the first house.
At first the company refused to purchase the equipment, but this decision was ______ revised.
Directions:  You are a professor in a department. One of your graduates asks you to write a letter of recommendation to a company which she wants to work for. Your letter should include:  (1)an brief introduction of yourself;  (2)the student’s performance and main strengths;  (3)the main accomplishments at university.  You should write about l00 words ,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You don’t need to write the address.
In 2007, ______ he was a student at the University of Illinois.
Bernard Shaw began his career as a dramatist in 1892, when his first play "()"(1892) was put on by the independent theater society.
First draw a line the middle of the page.Then write a word in the space above theline.
The student's first attempt at writing a play was a far __________ from the work of Shakespeare.
The student\'s first attempt at writing a play was a far __________ from the work of Shakespeare.
Passage FiveIn the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian (巴西的) university. The two-hour class was scheduled' to begin at 10 M. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after the scheduled time. Several arrived half an hour later. Few apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students, behavior.The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in a university class. He found that if they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the average American student defined lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. However, the average Brazilian student felt the friend was late after 33 minutes.In an American university, classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12: 00; many remained past 12: 30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, neither is staying late.51. The word "punctual' most probably means______.
In writing,students may not know how to put something into proper English and thus ask their teacher for help.Here the teacher is to play the role of a/an__.
In writing, students may not know how to put something into proper English and thus ask their teacher for help. Here the teacher is to play the role of a / an______•
The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year.s party was a great
The students were assigned to write a paper on ________ from the course.
Chaucer was the first important poet of royal court to write in ()after the Norman Conquest.
Chaucer was the first important poet of a royal court to write in()after the Norman conquest.
Of all the eighteenth - century novelists ______ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.
Of all the 18thcentury novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “___  in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.
The first window was a ______
After playing football for a long time, the students took _____ rest
George Bernard Shaw’s career as a dramatist began in 1892, when his first play ____ was put on by the Independent Theatre Society
At one time()was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.
It was()of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.
In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to ().
In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _____.
There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ()(打扰我) that evening.
