首页/ 题库 / [单选题]— I’d better be off 的答案

— I’d better be off now. — ____________________________

2021-07-18 00:05
A、You must be tired.
B、Couldn’t you stay a little longer?
C、I’m sorry to have taken up too much time.
D、Go slowly.



设a=′′a′′,b=′′b′′,c=′′c′′,d=′′d′′,执行语句x=IIf((ad),′′A′′,′′B′′)后,x的值为(  )。
It’s()to stow optional cargo in the lower hold.You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks,then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai,or Dalian or Tianjin.
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned?().
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire mostlikely to be mentioned?().
Generally speaking, suction heads require to be () for high speed or large capacities than for low speed or small capacities.
()shall be liable for loss of and damage to the Vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.
If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to()the situation,a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.
Every deliberate act of wrongdoing by the master or any of the crew against the ship or cargo,without the authorization or privity of the Shipowner or his agent,is().
A salvor may be()the whole or part of the payment due under Salvage Convention to the extent that the salvage operations have become necessary or more difficult because of fault or neglect on his part or if the salvor has been guilty of fraud or other dishonest conduct.
Vessels must be()valid certificate of nationality or certificated of registry or license.
Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ().
()are liable to be stoten, pilfered or may damaged due to improper handing or stowage.
A cabinet or space containing the controls or valves for the fixed firefighting system must be().
A cabinet or space containing the controls or valves for the fixed firefighting system must be().
Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.
All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived,are interdependent, and _______ the common task of seeking to achieve mankinds full potential
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
In the northern hemisphere, the largest waves or swells created by a typhoon or hurricane will be located().
()any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local quarantine officer must be notified immediately.
Should any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local Quarantine Officer must be()immediately.
You’d better()the optional cargo block stowage in the tweendecks, then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai or Dalian.
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
系统中雷达状态包括Unknown、Operational(or ON)、Failed(or OFF)、Detached。
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2术b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>C Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是( )。 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>C Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d
The()enables water to be blow down or emptied from the boilerIt may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler.
设t=2,b=3,c=4,d=5,则下面语句输出的是( )。 Print3>2*b Or a=c And bc Or c>d
