首页/ 题库 / [多选题]I’m sorry ,sir. Your的答案
— I’m sorry. I lost the key. — You are wrong.
"— I’m sorry. I lost the key. — You are wrong."
– I’m sorry. I forgot to buy your ink in town. –  
I\'m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _____?

—I\'m sorry about the misunderstanding.

—You _____ apologize, it wasn\'t your fault.

I’m sorry ,sir. Your identity card ( ).Do you have any other means of identification?
---- I’m sorry I can’t help you
4. M: I don’t imagine you have your camera with you. The view is so fabulous I do not want to miss it. W: I did bring my camera along. _____.( )
I am sorry for what I have said to you ——_____得分:0分
I am sorry for what I have said to you ——_____得分:5分
— I didnt know my identity card was needed,sir —______
--- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card --- ______ you painted last night I’m afraid I haven’t seen ______
I am sorry to inform you that I have no choice ____to refuse your application
—I am sorry for what I have said to you ——_____(单选)—5分
Guest: ______Clerk: Certainly Do you have a reservationGuest: yes The name is morales Mr And mrs J MoralesClerk: here we are For five nights could you fill in the registration card, please And i 11 need your credit card。
Guest: ______Clerk:certainly Do you have a reservationGuest: yes The name is morales Mr And mrs J MoralesClerk: here we are For five nightsCould you fill in the registration card, please And i ll need your creditcard
Student a: may i use your computer this afternoonStudent b: i m sorry, but i have to finish typing this term paper todayStudent a: ______
( )—I am sorry for what I have said to you—_____( )10() —I wonder if I could use your dictionary—Sure _____
16Nurse: Do you have any designated doctorPatient: Yes, Dr Hurt, Cliff HurtNurse: Here is your registration card Dr Hurt is at clinicNo 6 ____
1.—When do you have your English lessons?
