首页/ 题库 / [单选题] I’m afraid the box 的答案
Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?
"Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?"
– I’m afraid I have to say goodbye to you.–________.( )
— ______________ — I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is jogging. I don’t care for ball games.
A heavy concentration of the drug may produce dizziness or even ____.
-I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.
-I\'m afraid that _______ me for the moment.
—I\'m afraid I\'ve got a bad cold. —________.
The salutation is written flush with th________margin________pace or lines below the inside address.
 I’m afraid the box is ____ heavy for the boy.
—_________ I take the book out?—I'm afraid not.
I’m afraid he _______find the key to this problem.
The law-making or the legislative body in the government is _____.
—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?—I.m afraid ___ day is possible.
“To be or not to be----that is the question ” is taken from_______.
I haven‘t found any money though I‘ve searched the drawer bottom up.---- Then, I‘m afraid there is ______ left.
― This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.― _______
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
Money is the key ________for me to decide whether I will take the job or not.
I’m afraid I can’t finish the work _____ to help me. ( )
Either you or I _____ meet him in the park.
