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A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().

2021-07-31 23:19
A、only anchor in the separation zone
B、cross a traffic lane at as small an angle as possible
C、avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the scheme
D、utilize the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is impeding other traffic due to her slower speed



标签: 分道通航制
Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane()of the lane.
The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().
Ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three day’s duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation to be used().
A declaration made by the Master before a PRC Consul,giving particulars regarding heavy weather or other incidents which may have caused damage to the vessel or cargo,through no fault of the vessel,her officers,or crew is a(n)().
A vessel or object being towed astern shall display a(n)().
A vessel may enter a traffic separation zone().
A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is know as().
分道通航制和船舶交通管制区域及其附近水域船舶操纵的注意事项有()。 ①备车航行,以便随时控制航速,根据情况加派瞭头; ②近岸航行应减速,防止浪损; ③检查船舶操舵系统、声光信号设备、助航仪器是否正常,以确保安全; ④严格遵守分道通航制和船舶交通管制区域及其附近水域的各种航行规定
A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid()by as wide margin as practicable.
在IMO采纳的分道通航制水域,下列哪项说法不正确?() Ⅰ、“分道通航制规则”不适用于分道内行驶的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅱ、《国际海上避碰规则》有关驾驶和航行规则的各条规定同样也不适用于在“分道通航制区域”内从事维护航行安全作业的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅲ、“操纵能力受到限制的船舶”在其作业的必需的限度内,免受分道通航条款约束
在IMO采纳的分道通航水域,下列说法哪项正确:() Ⅰ、“分道通航制规则”不适用于分道内行驶的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅱ、《国际海上避碰规则》有关驾驶和航行规则的各条规定同样也不适用于在“分道通航制区域”内从事维护航行安全作业的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅲ、从事清除水雷作业的船舶在作业所必须的限度内,不受“分道通航制条款”的约束
toll的意思是:a charge payable to use a bridge or road
A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().
A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().
A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which().
A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as()as is practicable.
A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid()in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.
In a traffic separation scheme,when joining a traffic lane from the side,a vessel shall do so().


A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a()as is practicable.
If obliged to cross traffic lanes,a vessel shall do so on a heading as nearly as practicable ()to the general direction of traffic flow.
A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as().
A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the().
A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which().
In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so().
A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable()a traffic separation line or separation zone.
A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leave a traffic lane at the ()of the lane.
() is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.
A vessel proceeding along the bank of a river or channel has the tendency to().
