首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The______scheme in a的答案
The scheme is being widely debated on television because it sets a ______ for other companies.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

_________ objects in the distance is made possible with the help of a telescope.( )_
_________ objects in the distance is made possible with the help of a telescope.( )_
The______scheme in a database system is responsible for the detection of failures and for the restoration of the database to a state that existed before the occurrence of the failure.
The room is in a terrible mess; it _______ cleaned.
_____is not a writer in the Renaissance.
A sentence is a _________ concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied in isolation.
________ is not a fictional character in The Scarlet Letter.
There are __________ months in a year. December is the __________ month of the year.
In view of the favorable feedback on the Pilot Scheme, it is recommended that the system be fully_________ in the company. 选项
As can be_________ in the table below, the starting time options in the scheme were 8:00, 08:30 and 09:15 a. m. 选项
Generally speaking, the __________ specifies whether a certain tagmeme is NOT in the position of the Nucleus or of the Margin in the structure
93And in the end, the thrill of creating a properly running system is quite ____
11Critics of the system in Mexico say it is not democratic because _________ (Election in Mexico)
A party is the____________ activity I want to take part in
_________ is a little oil in the tank
In the last paragraph ,a problem commercial genetic testing faces is __________.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

Kevin is the only student in the class______________failed in the exam.
