首页/ 题库 / [单选题]—You speak very good的答案

—You speak very good English.
— ____________________________.

2021-08-04 18:07
A、Just so so.
B、No, not good.
C、Thank you very much.
D、You are good.



标签: 大学英语 英语
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
—Which foreign language are you better at, English or French?—I am sorry I know _______of English and _______of French.
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
英语“She teaches English”(她教英语)中的“他”表示的语法范畴有()
英语老师要从网上搜索“New Concept English”(新概念英语)的有关资料,如果使用Google搜索引擎,输入()关键词,搜索范围更为有效。
You speak English well.()
You speak English very well.().
---Would you like tea or coffee?
---___ , thanks.( )
Do you think your hometown is a good place for the elderly? Why or why not?
Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people? Why or why not?
What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one (11) there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. No two speakers speak in exactly the same (12) We can always hear different forms between them, and the pronunciation of English (13) a great deal in different geographical areas. How do we decide What sort of English to use as a model? This is not a question that can be (14) in the same way for all foreign learners of English. (15) you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a long tradition of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should (16) to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a fashion in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or anything of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country (17) there is no traditional use of English. You must take as your model some form. of (18) English pronunciation. It does not (19) very much which form. you choose. The most (20) way is to take as your model the sort of English you Can hear most often.
If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.
eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
We’ll call on the man ______ we believe can speak very good English. ( )
写作题目:“My English Study”
1)英语学习的重要性 (2)我学习英语的现状及原因
My English is very good,I can speak()louder.
()she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.
It is no good English without speaking English.
He()us English.(他教我们英语。)
You speak English very well.().
18 . —You speak very good French !
—You speak very good English.
— ____________________________.
A: Tom speaks English very well. B: So he does.
English vowels can be voiced or voiceless.
(单选、25分)—You speak very good English— ____________________________
Xiao Wang: Do you mind if I speak to you in English?
Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain()slowly south moderate or good.
She () English very hard. 【study】她学习英语很刻苦。
You speak English well.()
()means any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier,or any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage of goods by sea.
