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Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere?Because______.

2021-08-20 12:39
A、the weather satellites can do it easily
B、clouds form. there
C、the weather forms there
D、the pictures can forecast the weather


细节题,根据第一段“because this is where the weather form”知道答案选C。

— How do I get to the bus station? — You take the number 38 bus.
"— How do I get to the bus station? — You take the number 38 bus."
---My weight comes to 100 kilos. What should I do?
---Why not take more ______. ( )
It suddenly_______ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.
We are interested in the weather because it ( ) so directly what we wear,
what we do and even how we feel.
Satellites are an important part of our ordinary lives. For example, the information for weather forecasts is sent by satellite. Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how clouds are moving. Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls. Computer connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TV programs come to us through satellites. Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them find their exact location. We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another. They are usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator. Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place. This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometers an hour—exactly the same speed that the earth rotates. A satellite must orbit the Earth with its antennae (天线) facing the Earth. Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit, so there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position. This usually happens about every five or six days. Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the Earth. A satellite usually works for about 10-12 years. Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired by astronauts or sometimes brought back to Earth to be repaired. Often, very old or broken satellites are left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time. This is very serious because some satellites use nuclear power (核动力) and they can crash into each other.
It suddenly_______ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.
Why do we say that reading aloud is not very useful for reading a text in class?
Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere?Because______.
根据下列材料请回答 31~35 题:ANow satellites are helping to forecast the weather.They are in space,and they can reach any part of the world.The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气),because this is where the weather form.They send these pictures to the weather stations.So meteorologists(气象学家)can see the weather of any part of the world.From the pictures,the scientists can often say how the weather will change.Today,nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures.When they receive new pictures,the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones.Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours.This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change,too.In their next weather forecast,the meteorologists can say this.So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists.Before satellites were invented,the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 0r 48 hours.Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days.Soon,perhaps,they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead.第 31 题 Satellites travel______.
We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly—— what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
According to the writer, why do Irish fishermen still use boats like the boats which their ancestors used 1,000 years ago?
We should take some( )to stop the increase in crime.
Since we don’t have enough time, we’d better take the most direct() to the coast.
13It suddenly ____ to me that we could use a computer to do the job
"Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television "How often we hear statements like this! Television hasnt been 21 us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like 22 it Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our 23 time We used to enjoy civilized pleasures For example, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go 24 for our amusement, to theaters, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events We used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talks occasionally All that 25 to the past Now all our free __26__ is regulated by the "goggle box" (电视机) We rush home and gulp down(狼吞虎咽地吞下)our meals to be in time for this or that 27 We have even given up sitting 28 table and having a leisurely evening meal , exchanging the news of the day A sandwich and a glass of beer will do-anything, 29 it doesnt interfere with the program The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention If any member of the family dares to open his mouth 30 a program, he is quickly silenced 21.
"Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television "How often we hear statements like this! Television hasnt been 21 us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like 22 it Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our 23 time We used to enjoy civilized pleasures For example, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go 24 for our amusement, to theaters, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events We used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talks occasionally All that 25 to the past Now all our free 26 is regulated by the "goggle box" (电视机) We rush home and gulpdown(狼吞虎咽地吞下)our meals to be in time for this or that 27 We have even given up sitting 28 table and having a leisurely evening meal ,exchanging the news of the day A sandwich and a glass of beer will do-anything, 29 it doesnt interfere with the program The monster demands andobtains absolute silence and attention If any member of the family dares to open his mouth 30 a program, he is quickly silenced 21
She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do it takes to save her life.
The problem, according to the experts, is () we should do with the salty land.
