首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Passage TwoThe stude的答案

Passage TwoThe student who wants a newspaper career has much hard work ahead of him before he can ecome even a cub, or beginning reporter. He may begin by working on his high school ewspaper or yearbook.Then the aspiring (有志的) reporter may break into newspaper work as a copyboy, running rrands and helping sta. ff reporters. He may even be given a chance to write small stories. ometimes students who are interested in news reporting can get jobs as campus reporters for ocal newspapers.Jobs such as these serve to acquaint the beginner with the atmosphere of newsgathering.They give him a chance to sharpen his eye for details and teach him to be sure that his facts are accurate, that he reports them correctly, and that he writes his articles clearly. This work may lead to a job as a cub reporter on a newspaper, the important first step toward a career in news reporting.36. The best title for this passage is ______.

2021-08-20 12:43
A、The Work of a Newspaper Reporter
B、Reporting News from the Campus
C、Getting Started as a Reporter
D、What a Copyboy Does


答案为C。根据第一段第一句,The student who wants a newspaper career has much hard work ahead of him before he can become even a cub,or beginning reporter 作出该项选择。


— What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery?


(2).  According to the passage, who may get a license from the Jockey Club?(本题2.0分)
(单选题)You students will not expect ________ to read an English newspaper after graduation.(2)
The student from a _ family can afford most of the books he wants.
English teachers often ask students to__a passage to get the gist of it.
Passage TwoThe student who wants a newspaper career has much hard work ahead of him before he can ecome even a cub, or beginning reporter. He may begin by working on his high school ewspaper or yearbook.Then the aspiring (有志的) reporter may break into newspaper work as a copyboy, running rrands and helping sta. ff reporters. He may even be given a chance to write small stories. ometimes students who are interested in news reporting can get jobs as campus reporters for ocal newspapers.Jobs such as these serve to acquaint the beginner with the atmosphere of newsgathering.They give him a chance to sharpen his eye for details and teach him to be sure that his facts are accurate, that he reports them correctly, and that he writes his articles clearly. This work may lead to a job as a cub reporter on a newspaper, the important first step toward a career in news reporting.36. The best title for this passage is ______.
Students are entitled __________ free medical care under the National Health Service.
I _____ that most people who wanted to buy our newspaper were either moving or getting married.( )
John is student in his class. All the girls want to date him.
Banks both lend money to customers who need it and also borrow money from those who have a lot and therefore want to( )it in the bank.
()From the passage, who is a high-fashion designerA
What kind of questions should we ask our students when we want to give them a reason to read?
Mr. Baker, a dozen students want to see you. () they wait here or outside?
24. What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early?
English teachers often ask students to__ a passage to get the gist of it.
Which of the following does a teacher want his / her students to develop if he / she guides them to take notes key words,abbreviations and symbols?
According to the passage,the major disadvantage of newspapers in its_______
This job ______, who are more careful.
A.In the student's own words.
A Chinese student makes a sentence as follows He is a rich man who like traveling. The error in that sentence is the result of________ .
