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I was curious to know how the MP had determined the jeep’s speed so exactly.

2021-07-17 18:28



______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it?
I was out of town at the time, so I don’t know exactly how it _______.

I ______ to know how often the bus runs during rush hour.

The most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a theater, the cloak-room attendant (21) me in the lobby and insisted on my (22) my legs behind. I was notsurprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had (23) heard of such a rule at any respectable theater (24) , and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very (25) , but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their (26) comfortably, because other people's legs were always in the (27) ; and it had, therefore, been decided that (28) should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone (29) their legal right; and, under ordinary circum- stances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn't want to (30) a disturbance; and (31) I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before (32) that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always (33) it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off (34) easily. The discovery did not surprise (35) any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.21.
I told the policeman ______ had happened when I was taken to the police station as a witness.
 The new ______ didn’t know how to use the system until I explained it to him yesterday

The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the students did not know how to tackle it.
The British RAF(英国皇家空军)base where I was stationed as part of a contingent of USAF(美国空军分遣队)personnel had one narrow road winding though the crowed residential area. After a rash of minor vehicle pedestrian accidents, the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to three mph. Shortly after the new limit was posted, an MP sergeant(骑警中士)issued a speeding citation(超速传票)to a jeep driver for going five mph. I was curious to know how the MP had determined the jeep’s speed so exactly. “I was jogging to get to the PX(陆军消费合作社)before it closed,” he explained, “and as I passed the jeep, I noticed that the speedometer read five mph.”
I was curious to know how the MP had determined the jeep’s speed so exactly.
The new ______ didn’t know how to use the system until I explained it to him yesterday.
Tom:Kate,you are back from vacation! How was it?Kate: To tell you the truth, I feel tired.Tom: _________?Kate: I had to visit all my relatives.
__________ how to operate a switchboard, I had to ask the office supervisor to show me the correct procedures.
I was disturbed to hear that there had been ____ murder the night before.
Even though pay was important, ___________ brought the greatest satisfaction was knowing that someone had noticed how a job was being done
Not until I began to work how much time I had wasted.
I don’t know how to use the washing machine. 我不知道如何使用洗衣机。
But you know, I had to give up the chance to work in a big company.
When the bus ________ and I got off, I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself
I didn t know the word I had to____a dictionary
Tom was determined to go to the college for the old, __________ it meant he had to attend classes for three nights a week
When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to payon a clock I had bought
I ______ to know how often the bus runs during rush hour
Not until he left his home ________ to know how important the family was for him.
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
I remember when I was a child, I was very()with how many toys she had.
I remember when I was a child, I was very()with how many toys she had.
It was difficult to()how many trees had been destroyed.
