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I have two friends but ______ of them likes to go fishing with me.

2021-09-01 15:44



We need friends to ________, or we will feel lonely(单选)—4分
Tina _____ have known the truth, or she would have told us
I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.
7. I like to have friends who are ___________ me.

—Scott,I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.
—________________ But I have one suggestion.

My friend _____ me. I have to leave now.
Either he or I ______to the airport.
2.I have two good friends. One is Han Mei, and _______is Li Ping.
—Do you learn Russian or French?—I learn ______.
It will be a relief over the death of a friend or a relative if the friend or relative dies from ______.
Americans are geographically mobile, and many learn to developfriendships easily and quickly. Approximately one of every five          1.______Americans families moves every year. People relocated because theychange jobs, to attend distant colleges, get married, have children,      2.______and simply want a change in their lives. Perhaps                   3.______as consequence, people sometimes form and end friendships quickly.         4.______Students who attend two or three universities for their undergraduate and    5.______graduate years may change their “circle of friends” several times. Likewise, 6.______people who change their jobs, while keep one or two friends from          7.______the original place of employment, may also change their circle of friends.Relationships based on a common activity may fade or endwhen the activity end. Mothers may meet while dropping their children       8.______off at nursery school and remain friends as their kids go to different      9.______schools. The same hold true for neighbors who are closest of          10.______friends until one moves away.
I wanted to have a hamburger, but I ______ myself.
One or two days _______ not enough to see this big city.

No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away. 

— What would you like to have, meat or fish?

— _____________________.

—Scott,I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.
—________________ But I have one suggestion.

I would have invited Doctor Fox to make a speech, but I _________him very well.( )_
I expected a bigger payment, but I suppose you have to be __________ for small mercies.
____ happiness may be, it is neither in having nothing or in having more, but in changing.( )
I expected a bigger payment, but I suppose you have to be __________ for small mercies.
I would have invited Doctor Fox to make a speech, but I _________him very well.( )_
My sister has__________friends at school.But she has__________good friends.
I have two friends but ______ of them likes to go fishing with me.
We _____ certain livings as birds not because they have long legs or short legs, but because they all have feathers
一I’ve got a little _____ in my house. 一Why not keep two or more?
The address book ________ the email addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues.
I have ______ for my pen everywhere, but I just can.t _____ it.
I ____ have ____ ideas, but the older I get, the more flexible I become.
I am wondering if they are ____ or____.
Social apps like QQ or WeChat have become our ________ for staying connected with friends.
We have two rooms _____, but I can’t decide______.
______ only by one’s appearance, I’m sure, will have you get just half of him or less
