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] Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, __ you want to call me and discuss things.

2021-09-01 17:31
A、in case
D、so that



From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew I should be a writer.(语法上正确与否)
It's said that the weather will ( ) hot for another three or four days.
It\'s said that the weather will ( ) hot for another three or four days.
There will usually be summaries or daily account tables for heavy oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil, and fresh water, which will be compiled()
Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, __ you want to call me and discuss things.
I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.
] Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, __ you want to call me and discuss things.
“To be or not to be----that is the question ” is taken from_______.
Will you be eating here or is this to go? —Oh,____________,please.
I make notes in the back of my diary _________ thing to be mended or replaced
_______ it will do us harm or good remains to be seen
Please note that our offer will remain valid until the end of this monthThe underlined word can be substituted for by each of the following EXCEPT:
---- Could you please tell Jim that I will call him later?
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
Please note that Item no.789 can be certainly promised for immediate shipment ____ receipt of your order.
In the northern hemisphere, the largest waves or swells created by a typhoon or hurricane will be located().
()seeks to build confidence that a future output or an unfinished output, will be completed in a manner that meets the specified requirements and expectations.
Such remarks as without responsibility for damace or shortage will be considered()by a court.
Such remarks as WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR SHORTAGE will be considered()by a court.
