首页/ 题库 / [单选题][单选题,1.3分] In my opi的答案
(单选题)The computer turns it __________ green, yellow, or red lights.(2)
[单选题,1.3分] Both teams were in hard training; _____ was willing to lose the game.
[单选题,1.3分] Your sorrow will _____in time
[单选题,1.3分] The thief ___to shoot me if i didn`t give him my money
[单选题,1.3分] My father did go to New York; the doctor suggested that he ___there
[单选题,1.3分] No one in the ddepartment but Tom and I __that the director is giong to resign.
[单选题,1.3分] Idecide to concentrate all my efforts ___ finding somewhere to live
[单选题,1.3分] Although ____my opinion, the older professor didn’t come up whit his own.
[单选题,1.3分] CBS Records was ____by Sony.
[单选题,1.3分] It was _____ opportunity to miss.
[单选题,1.3分] I know nothing about the accident except _____ I read in the paper.
[单选题,1.3分] Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam.
[单选题,1.3分] In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any _____.
[单选题,1.3分] Energy is ____ makes one work.
62[单选题,1.3分] The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not ________ result as we expected.
49[单选题,1.3分] Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote ______ growth in the spring.
47[单选题,1.3分] Regardless of ______ poll results, a number of objections have been published in newspapers.
46[单选题,1.3分] At British universities, it is ______ to cease work and spend a half-hour or so sipping tea and eating cookies with the members of one’s department.
44[单选题,1.3分] This discovery is highly ______ in the circle of science.
31[单选题,1.3分] In the middle of these otherwise _____ plains is a striking range of mountains.
