首页/ 题库 / [单选题][单选题,1.3分] I’m afrai的答案
[单选题,2.5分] 平流沉淀池的有效水深,一般可采用()m。
—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?—I.m afraid ___ day is possible.
单选题,2分] The dress is so beautiful; Can I ________?
[单选题,1.3分] I wish I____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.
[单选题,1.3分] I feel like ___to the owner of the house to complain.
单选题,1.3分] It’s too expensive for me. I can1t _____it
[单选题,1.3分] The thief ___to shoot me if i didn`t give him my money
[单选题,1.3分] I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____.
[单选题,1.3分] Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Professor Smith ________, so we only had time for a few words.
[单选题,1.3分] She looks very _____ but I can’t remember her name.
[单选题,1.3分] He said he would return the money, and I was ______.
[单选题,1.3分] She can speak _______ in front of Mack, but she can’t eat ______ in his restaurant.
[单选题,1.3分] I know nothing about the accident except _____ I read in the paper.
[单选题,1.3分] Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam.
72[单选题,1.3分] I’m tired of listening to her ______ the virtues of her children.
62[单选题,1.3分] The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not ________ result as we expected.
59[单选题,1.3分] He is one of those people who ________ more than can be done.
39[单选题,1.3分] I don’t complain about the smoking ______ because I hate watching people smoking in hospitals.
34[单选题,1.3分] We cannot _____ the country’s telecommunications to unqualified people.
16[单选题,1.3分] If the market is left ____________, there will sometimes be shortages or over-production.
