首页/ 题库 / [单选题](单选、2.5分) She is tre的答案
16[单选题,1.3分] If the market is left ____________, there will sometimes be shortages or over-production.
She is a woman too conservative to ______ the times, however, she is good-natured and treats others sincerely.
(单选、2.5分) 深化全面从严治党的需要________最早明确提出了“新的伟大工程”之说。
(单选、2.5分) In my opinion this is a(an) ________ different matter.
(单选、2.5分) She liked sleeping with the windows__________.
(单选、2.5分) It is not easy __________the answer to the difficult math problem.
(单选、2.5分) She __________be ill because I saw her playing tennis just now.
(单选、2.5分) She spoke___________fast that I could not catch a word.
(单选、2.5分) She needs more friends of her own__________.
(单选、2.5分) She is treated__________better than I was.
(单选、2.5分) My daughter is quite well now __________ a slight headache.
(单选、2.5分) Excuse me,what time is it___________your watch?
(单选、2.5分) I’m afraid the box is ____ heavy for the boy.
(单选、2.5分) _______, he is very strict with her sometimes.
(单选、2.5分) 在FIDIC合同条件下,工程师无权发布变更指令的情况包括________。
(单选、2.5分) 下列关于工程索赔的说法中,正确的是________。
(单选、2.5分) 从合同的订立过程来分析,工程招标文件属于一种________。
(单选、2.5分) 下列关于建筑工程分包的说法中正确的有________。
(单选、2.5分) 工程分包的说法错误的为________。
(单选、2.5分) 下列各项中,________不属于工程建设施工招标应具备的前提条件。
