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As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department()has the final say

2021-09-02 16:46



Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned?().
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire mostlikely to be mentioned?().
A tankerman who permits or causes oil to go into a navigable waterway may be punished federally by().
()is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.
The goal, which they are unlikely to live to see , is tocure, prevent or manage all diseasesin the next 80or so years.
Almost all Americans want to be democratic, but many Americans are confused about what, exactly, democracy means. How do you know when someone is acting in a democratic or an undemocratic way? Recently several groups have spoken out with particular bitterness against the kind of democracy that means equal opportunity for all, regardless of race or national origin. They act as if all human beings did not belong to one species, as if some races of mankind were inferior to others in their capacity to learn what members of other races know and have invented. Other extremists attack religious groups—Jews or Catholics--or deny the right of an individual to be an agnostic. One reason that these extremists, who explicitly do not want to be democratic, can get a hearing even though their views run counter to the Constitution and our traditional values is that people who do want to be democratic are frequently muddled.
(), or drum is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.
Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ().
()are liable to be stoten, pilfered or may damaged due to improper handing or stowage.
() system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the sea as required to trim the vessel.
Practice 10  (1) Advertisement can be thought of “as the making known in order to buy or sell goods or services.” Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. (2) There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.
Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids,gases,or solids is known as().
boost的意思是:help or encourage to increase or improve
Point out which sentence is used to show the personality of a person who is used to sleeping
on his or her stomach?
Point out which sentence is used to show the personality of a person who is used to sleeping
on his or her stomach?
“To be or not to be----that is the question ” is taken from_______.
“To be, or not to be - that is the question;/Whether’ tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles ,/And by opposing end then?” These lines are taken from ______.
As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department()has the final say
The payment proportionate to the part of the voyage accomplished or to the part of the cargo delivered is referred as().
The word “critical” in the sentence “This is a critical period as any loss of propulsion, or steering, can lead to collision, grounding, or other damage to the ship” can be best replaced by ().
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from,or from one place to another or others,the policy is called a().
Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapor from liquids,gases, or solids is known as().
()may be laid ready for the cargo or may just be put in bundles ready for the stevedores to lay out as the cargo is loaded.
During loading or discharging,where the delay is due to the Shipowner’s fault,or that of his servants or agents acting within their authority,the time actually delayed is to be()in calculating lay days.
A person needs to know who he/she is before being able to know what ___makes him or her happy.
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
Where a container,pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods,the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport()to be the number of packages or units in calculating the amount beyond which the carrier or the ship is not reliable.
The()enables water to be blow down or emptied from the boilerIt may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler.
Virus Security Software is designed to detect, eliminate or quarantine computer viruses before they are able to harm a computer or server networked system.
Unlike her _sister, Judith is a shy ,unsociable person who dislike to go to parties or to make new friends.
