首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Barbara left Alice a的答案
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away. 

— ___________________

— Once or twice a week.

Visual Basic逻辑运算符Xor、Or、Eqv、And中,级别最高的运算符是 ______。
–My daughter recovered and left the hospital yesterday. – _________________
Whether we will go or not __________ the weather.
If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine,for example,give the________and________of the publication.
If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine,for example,give the________and________of the publication.
Alice is a __________ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.
Tables______ of stones or wood.
____________________ — Go straight ahead and turn left
16[单选题,1.3分] If the market is left ____________, there will sometimes be shortages or over-production.
Without water, _________ no plants or animals.
I am wondering if they are ____ or____.
_________ in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.
Barbara left Alice and________the crowd to the library to avoid a late fee and renew the books she borrowed two months ago
All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived,are interdependent, and _______ the common task of seeking to achieve mankinds full potential
1_____education is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and students are separated by distance or time,or both
_______________will not continue if an ongoing operation is changed or deletedA、
