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19 He ran so fast that he was out of ________

2021-09-02 17:19



标签: 超星 大学英语
The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to()what he was saying.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
About 150 years ago,a musician sat quietly at a concert in Vienna. He was playing his new symphony. He couldn‘t (11) that the audience were clapping wildly. He was deaf. He was Beethoven,one of the greatest musicians who ever lived.Beethoven wrote about 300 (12) of music. He wrote some of his most beautiful pieces after he became deaf. It is hard for anyone to be deaf. But it is even worse for a musician than for (13) else. Think of not being able to hear the music you have written!As a child Beethoven did not have a happy life. His father drank (14) .When the boy was only four,his father decided to make a musician (15) him. Hour after hour he had to practice (16) the violin. He learned so fast that he was able to make a concert tour when he was eleven. When he was seventeen,the great Mozart praised him. After he studied with Haydn. Beethoven was writing a great deal of music (17) .Beethoven had an ugly face and a bad temper. He was often invited (18) the homes of wealthy people. They forgave him when his temper flared up. Illness made him become deaf when he was (19) thirty-one.Beethoven wrote long pieces and short ones,gentle ones and (20) ones.
Dr. Fields received so large bill when he checked out of the hotel that he did not have enough money to pay for a taxi to the airport.
When he was told that he scored 58 in the final examination, he was in a comfort of remorse.
He was so tired that he could not walk home any longer.→ He was ____ tired ____ walk home any longer.
If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril,he must()that the loss or damage was caused thereby.
以下是牛津英语教材的某一课时的阅读教学内容,请认真阅读,设计一份“任务性”的教学流程。A Brave Young Man!  Zhang hua is 25 years old. He helped his neighbour out of a fire.  On 10th May, Zhang Hua was at home alone. Suddenly he heard someone shouting “Fire! Fire!”. He ran outside. He saw a lot of smoke from next door. He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs. Sun in the kitchen. She could not get out because she hurt her leg. Anything could happen to her at that moment.  Zhang Hua quickly ran back to his flat and poured water over his jacket. Then he rushed into Mrs. Sun’ s kitchen to save her. There was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hot. He was not afraid. He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs. Sun out.  The fire burnt Zhang Hua’s neck, arms and face. He was in hospital for two months. Many people visited him and brought him flowers and presents. “What a brave young man!” they said.  Zhang Hua was glad that he helped Mrs. Sun. “We should help each other,” he said.  Zhang Hua also said, “Fire can be very dangerous. It is important to be careful with fire”.
When all the people had assembled, the king, surrounded by his court, (21) a signal. Then a door beneath him opened, and the accused man stepped (22) into the arena. Directly opposite him were two doors, exactly (23) and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the (24) on trial to walk directly to these (25) and open one of them. He (26) open either door he pleased; he was subject to no (27) or influence. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the (28) and most cruel that could be found, which (29) sprang upon him and tore him to pieces as a punishment for his guilt. (30) , if the accused person opened the other door, out of it came a (31) lady, and to this lady he was immediately married, as a reward of his innocence. This was the (32) method of administering justice. Its perfect fairness is obvious. The criminal could (33) know out of which door would come the lady; he opened either he pleased, without having the slightest (34) whether, in the next instant, he was to be devoured or married. So the accused person was instantly (35) if guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot.21.
He was speaking so fast ________ we could hardly follow him.
He did not easily ____________to others, so on most social occasions he was the old man out.
he thought the painting was of little , so he let me have it for only ten pounds.( )
-What's the matter with Peter?  -He was seen crying when he was coming out of the teacher's office. He ______by the teacher.
He was speaking so fast ________ we could hardly follow him.
-What\'s the matter with Peter?  -He was seen crying when he was coming out of the teacher\'s office. He ______by the teacher.
He was so angry that he just couldn.t ________ from telling them what he thought.
Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ( ).
He( ) the idea that he couldn’t do the job and was determined to show them that he was qualified for it. 选项
The waiter thought he understood the drawing and ran out of the restaurant.
He had waited so long that he became .
19 He ran so fast that he was out of ________
___ he got out of the car, he was given some flowers
He was so angry that he just couldnt ________ from telling them what he thought
– Brand was Janes brother! – he reminded me so much of Jane!
He ran so fast that he was out of()
He must have had an accident,or he()then.
The question "How fast did he drive when he ran the red light?" ____ “He ran the red light”
He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.
Tom“s school was on the other side of the road, so he was told to watch out for cars when____ the street.
