首页/ 题库 / [单选题]When she finally arr的答案

_____she comes or not makes no difference.

6.  It was until she arrived in class( )she realized she had forgotten her book.(本题1.0分)
It was until she arrived in class( )she realized she had forgotten her book.
Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything; she()whatever she wanted and almost always got it.    
It was until she arrived in class( )she realized she had forgotten her book.
Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything; she()whatever she wanted and almost always got it.
The athlete.s years of hard training __________ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.
I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
Either she or I______ to attend the get-togather this evening.
When l arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ()behin
It was getting late when she finally ____.
When she was awake , she found that she was standing on _____ seemed to be a piece of stone
Tina () have known the truth, or she would have told us. 选项
She began her career when she was seventeen years old.
- Does she speak French or German? - She doesn.t, .
Though she lost the title of female world swimming champion last year, she ______ it this year when she gave it all she could
When she______ America, she suddenly felt lonely
When she was in _________ , she got married
Its my advice that she ____ right now, or she might be late for the plane:( )。
When she finally arrived she apologized ___so late
