首页/ 题库 / [单选题]— Have you been to P的答案
When are you _____ London _______ Paris?
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

—Perhaps you have heard our products. Would you like to know something more?


—What errands did you have to do today?


— Have you ever been to Tokyo?
— _________________.

— What would you like to have, meat or fish?

— _____________________.

—What kind of work have you been doing up to now?
— ____________ .

Why! I have nothing to confess. ____________ you want me to say?
—I’m glad to have you here. Do drop by if you have time. — ____________________________
How was your trip to Paris, Mary? ____________
—Thank you for everything. — Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife. — Thanks. ____________________________
I thought you ______________ like something to read, so I have bought you some books.
A: Have you ever been to Huangshan? B:______.
Do you feel like ________ to a film or would you rather ________ at home.
I.ve never been to Paris, but it.s the place __________.
You have to be clear of ________________when organizing financial information. 回答
一Have you ever been to Tokyo?( ) — _____ .
18— Have you ever been to the Great Wall in Beijing? —____________ ( )
7—I.m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. —____________ ( )
Have you been to Paris? -- ____________()
