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(单选、25分)— I didnt know this is a one-way street, Sir — _________

2021-09-08 14:16
A、That.s sorry.
B、I don.t believe you.
C、How dare you say that?
D、Sorry, but that.s no excuse.



I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
—Which foreign language are you better at, English or French?—I am sorry I know _______of English and _______of French.
A person needs to know who he/she is before being able to know what ___makes him or her happy.
常用的英语:Sorry,I don’t know.的中文意思是()。
I don’t know()there’s any shortage or not.
—Do the dishes,Mike,or I will tell mum!
Please wireless to let me know()I am to anchor or to meet pilot.
A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is know as().
If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.
–I don’t know whether to take up law or medicine.
Transitional Chinese food is far()to McDonald’s and KFC or any other fast foods I know.
Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.
[单选题,1.3分] I know nothing about the accident except _____ I read in the paper.
I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly _____ me
(单选、25分) I____any job I like since I came to this city
(单选、25分) Do you want to change this lamp for__________or do you want your money back
(单选、25分) Will you help me when I am________
— I didnt know my identity card was needed,sir —______
I dont know if I should make my hair _ or leave it straight
Have you started writing your composition yet No ,I really dont know ______ (单选)—4分
(单选、25分) He asked me how often I went back home__________a visit when I was at college
(单选、25分) I can t__________you that I 11 be able to come,but I 11 do my best
– We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet! – ______ I just want a cute little puppy or a kitty!(单选)—5分
4I dont know____he will join us or not
We need friends to ________, or we will feel lonely(单选)—4分
2I didn’t know whether to ____ her silence as acceptance or refusal
8I didn’t know whether to ____ her silence as acceptance or refusal
(单选、25分)— Can I get you a cup of tea—_________
(单选、25分)— I didnt know this is a one-way street, Sir — _________
