首页/ 题库 / [单选题]— I have got a pain 的答案
— I have got a pain in my chest. — You _____ see the doctor.
"— I have got a pain in my chest. — You _____ see the doctor."

 I have trouble in ________ my homework. 

—  I have just got an iPad as my birthday gift. 
—  ______

Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _______ and disorder!
—Do you want to have a message? —No, thanks. I_________ in half an hour.
- I have got a pain in my chest. - You ____ see the doctor.
— I have got a pain in my neck.— ____________________
- I have got a pain in my chest. - You ____ see the doctor.
Welcome to our house ! I' 11 have Hudson__________ you around in a minute.
一I’ve got a little _____ in my house. 一Why not keep two or more?
I have kept that picture _____ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university days in London.
_________you come to see me, I will treat you as my relative
:——Would you like some candies ——_______ I have got a sweet tooth
--- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card --- ______ you painted last night I’m afraid I haven’t seen ______
—Have you got a camera — No, I should by ____
--- Guess what! I have got A for my term paper --- Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it
I finally got the job I dreamed about Never in my life____________so excited
M: Oh! I turned all of my white socks pink I threw a red T-shirt in by accidentW: Have you tried running them through again with bleachM: _________( )
----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.
