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- I'm sorry for b的答案


——Hello,I'm John Taylor,the General Manager.And you must be......



- Are you a member of the _________?  

- I'm her brother.

— Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments.


—Oh, no! It's raining. We can't go skating on the square.

— ____________

- I'm sorry for breaking the cup.

- Oh, ____ . I've got plenty.

The old lady __________Tom for breaking the window. 

— I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.


—Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result.


—I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital.


— Sally,                  , Mary Brown.

— Nice to meet you. I'm Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager.

— May I speak to Tom?

— I'm sorry. He isn't in the office now.


— Yes, of course.

— Hi, I'm Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here.

— Hi, I'm Mike Brown from the Training Center.                 

— Who should be responsible for the accident?

— The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order_______.

There is little water in the cup, _________? 

— Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?

— I'm sorry, I have no idea. I ______.

 ---Hello, I'm Harry Potter.

 ---Glad to meet you. I'm Miller. But __________.

—  I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put the printer here.

—                       .

        somebody decides to break the rules?

—I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.

—You _____ apologize, it wasn't your fault.

---I’m sorry for breaking the cup.

---Oh,___---I’ve got plety.

