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The _________ dri的答案


The _________ driver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident.

He suggested that the drunk driver _________.

The police asked the driver to __________ the car to have an alcohol test.

The CEO ________ that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department in today's meeting.

He was held in the police station because he ___________ to an offence. 

A bus driver _______________ the safety of his passengers.

Some of the passengers escaped serious ____________ in the traffic accident.
They were under the _________ that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.
The driver was ___________ for three days after the accident
27.The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.
27.The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.
Mary _______ the meeting yesterday. She was in the hospital.
It was in the evening ___________ the hurricane struck the area.
The old man was seriously ill and he was in _____ need of treatment.
No one was ________in the accident.
After Tydale ’s Bible, then appeared the ______, wh ich was made in 1611 under the auspices of _____ And so was sometimes called the ____
The box was opened in the _______ of the necessary witnesses [
Beginning in the late 19th century, the _______ rise in the productivity of England was just ______ less than Germany and the US
7The most serious implication of the result of the survey was that_______ (Job Stereotypes)
In the ______ war between America and Iraq many people were ______ hurt
