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_________ we've n的答案


So ________that millions of people queue to buy it. 

People can't live without____________ sun.

—Shall we play football after class together?


- Can we _________ you anything? Coffee? Whiskey? 

-No,thank you.

—Oh, no! It's raining. We can't go skating on the square.

— ____________

We can't afford a bicycle, ________a car. 

–What will you buy for the Spring Festival?

– _________________

 This plant can't be exposed ____________strong sunshine.

If it rains tomorrow, we _________ to picnic.

_________ we've no money, we can't buy it.

-We've worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?


— I believe we’ve met somewhere before.

— No, ________________________.

- The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?
- ___________________

—I'm more than happy to go out this weekend. 

—_________________ We've got so much work to do at that time.

— How is everything going?

— ________________, we've been quite busy this month and there's been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection.

—Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down? It's only two floors.

—_________________We'd better wait for the rescue.

—________________ about it now?

—Every time a customer has complained we've followed our store policy and offered them an exchange or a full refund.

—We've done very well so far but if we want to see serious growth ______________.
—Yeah...maybe. But I have my doubts.

You can buy almost everything, _______ you have access to the Internet and enough money. 

---  We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us?

---  _________________________________

