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We should take th的答案


We should take the degree ________ account when we recruit a new secretary.

We walked down the stairs____________ taking the elevator.

—Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down? It's only two floors.

—_________________We'd better wait for the rescue.

Chemical spill guidelines should be established by the lab supervisor and should take into ______ the following.

 — I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. 

— ________________. 

When reading the annual report, we should look out ______ the areas where the company did not comply with the regulations.

_____ our income is, _____tax we should pay.

We should practice economy ____________ we are rich.
When we learn a foreign language, we should hold that no culture is inferior _____ the others.
__________ banker is __________ man who lends you __________ umbrella when the weather is fair, and takes it away from you when it rains.
We should practice economy ____________ we are rich
When we meet a(军舰)_____, we should lower national flag
They should take care of the (系泊缆绳)______.
Only when we had finished all the work ________ that it was too late to take a bus home.
When we speak to people, we should be ______.
The lecture _______ already _______when we got to the school hall.
To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should________.
.We should take all the variables into ________ when we make a plan.
. We need a person of ____________ to take over the company.
When we called at the market, we felt amazed at the use ________ the waste plastic bags.( )
